
Facebook once the ghost

Good things ah !relationresultBecausewith this idea in mind ,so when love out the words never want to ,hey hey ... ... Want to love but generation of killer king !This word is board type nail ,ought not to go back on !Reformed the benefits to get him to take a head the rest of the first ,he would be handing !relationresultLoveis the heart of the old crystal heart stimulation soon some sit still ,he felt indebted to Zhou Ziwei too much to the next ,a gas ,quickly took Zhou Ziwei to save them all out ,treat yourself to this as a hatchet man obligations are as do the most perfect .
relationresultThus.Their unique to this baby ,can also feel at ease and justified some slightly .And having this ageless crystal heart to love endless up fresh psychic powers ,which he had consumed large amounts of power in the regeneration rate is also slightly a little faster .
Is this a moment ,love spell has been recovered from ten .relationresultFeelingrecovered ,love will also do not sit again ,she stood up ,then took Zhou Ziwei to the underground hall on the left side of the channel to break in ,while the two was ready and agree ,well ,then present this monster ,Zhou Zi Granville or fireball try to interfere with these guys ,as long as the living involved their attention on it, and love it aside from the great soul go directly into the sword ,killing !relationresultOf course,if these guys to a present that is the best .
,Facebook.. ... If one has several words ,it also can only rely on the week to diversionary who lived ,what suitable results do not use telekinetic case, so love to the pit fiend but completely lost the ability of remote attacks ,only to hold live entirely on Zhou Ziwei !relationresultThe642nd chapter the true king of city , relationresultThe642nd chapter is the true , relationresultZhou Ziwei andlove luck was not very good ,or pit fiend IQ but as Zhou Ziwei hope so low, in the pit fiend and no silly a pop and love come on ,but Zhou Ziwei and deception in depth to a region of relatively complex corridors bend in six ,in a black robe guy suddenly jump out at the same time !relationresultHow isthe six !relationresultLoveimmediately there dumbfounded ,he relies on his vast soul sword .
They can win ,but with his strength ,one to two pit fiend is his greatest limit ,even to be in danger of the night .This section of SHOUDA8.com# # wind and a face to three words .
.. ... The only escape !And now suddenly jumped from six to ,this ... ... Let love how can I not surprised !relationresultAnd Zhou Ziwei isnot to panic ,but hurry to love sound : left the .
.. ... And in the middle of the two is true ,the other three are ordinary people ,to pass off the sham as the genuine powered by !Concentrate on the left the guy ,the middle two I will help him ! , relationresultIlove this can finally breathe a sigh of relief ,the help they could know that confuse the public means ,but Zhou Ziwei to clear out ,otherwise .
.. ... Hurry, he also don deal with it .relationresultJustlove towards the front six in black guy look ,but found that these six guys are as like as two peas clothing ,even from their walking posture and movement ,is also completely vindicated which is not really what is false .
But Zhou Ziwei is how it ?That love is very puzzled !relationresultZhou Ziwei in factthis dangerous area ,natural need to use soul force on all frequent scanning .Although the pit fiend can absorb the force of his soul ,his soul force as one approaches the abyssal demon body ,will automatically be shielded lost which comes with the soul ,and then be abyss demons to inhaled to .
So Zhou Ziwei is never less than scanning these guys ,but ... ... Just feel my soul force be rather baffling less part ,then Zhou Ziwei will know how it is ,then feel where the soul force disappears ,the pit fiend nature is to show in what place !While the rest of the three guy although I do not know by what way ,walk along a road to come is flowing away ,shaped like a ghostly .
But their bodies but are not phagocytic lost the soul of Zhou Ziwei force ,so the test contrast, true and false .relationresultLovedoesn know the secret ,and during this time he also have no time to ask for so much ,heard Zhou Ziwei place ,he quickly nodded ,then are moved, hand holds the lost psychic imprint black sword ,wore by the formation of the hundred armor ,brazenly towards the left from the attack came up out of the pit fiend straight up .
relationresultTheadverse abyss demons see love first rushed over to him ,immediately the startled ,then do not hesitate ... ... Turn around and run !The bad guy is just by Zhou Ziwei with flame directly to burn off half the abyss of evil energy .
And this guy at the time of escape just in time to see the love that the vast soul sword, directly put his companions to behead to distraction are scattered ,but he was frightened ,until now still have a lingering fear .
At this time at the actually direct ran him over, that guy is also dare and the killing of fighting, so it is natural to want to run away !relationresultButthe abyss of demons since have been love to stare at ,and where can escape had .
To know the love of the nickname can not white called, his nickname can not only have a in addition to a chase his speed is not poor .Love ,love ,cnn... ... Chase is the ghost ,let love at once the ghost ,is almost absolutely no hope of escape .
The other two are mixed in a few fake dump pit fiend sees by the startled ,hastily rushed together ,ready to be attacked from behind love ,google.relationresultZhou Ziweiwhere will let them ,as they are coming after him, to be calm in undertaking ,till the two guy cheeky kick into the Zhou Ziwei set up the trap ,it suddenly start . Related articles:

