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To ,under normal circumstances ,as long as his aura and the black iron Ye Yixiang contact ,immediately Rubishizhi general for these Wutieye J ī ngfine control .relationresultLinenFrankenstein was intended to put these black iron leaf to recoup all its back ,and then .
.. ... Immediately decamp .Killer training line has since ancient times ,blow not far away ,a thousand miles .In front of the person is clearly a strong need to him at this stage need to look up there, on such a strong opponent ,because real unwise provocation .
Linen .Although had not worked the line for many years ,but still follow the guidelines as a killer ,and the master head is no good, as the first moment to avoid edge ,to later find an opportunity ,he has the means to kill the soundless and stirless looks extremely powerful existence .
relationresultHoweverwhen the linen Frankenstein eighteen gossamer Reiki thread sh è tothe eighteen Wutieye top, he suddenly felt a strong repulsive force moment will be his aura thread far play sh èaway,that simply Jin ,let him not help one started .
relationresultSubsequentlinen freak saw that is irregular state to falls beneath the floating pool falls to eighteen Wutieye just like the moment come alive like, not only stopped falling tendency, but also have gathered together ,then eighteen Wutieye end to end ,combined into one dagger look ,turns into a streamer ,bitter towards him here face fly sh è .
relationresultYou donYou don This ... ... This is my spirit has temperature raises for decades ,it ... ... How could they will be giving away ?And. But in such a short time is completely gone, the .
.. ... You don , relationresultLinenfreak heart big be astonished ,but he more is how to also want to be illogical ,his temperature raised most of the spirit of life is ,how quickly became others in the bag !If his eighteen gold Wutieye in lost his aura control ,being to use powerful Reiki to suppress ,and collecting the past it is possible .
relationresultButeven if he is the eighteen Wutieye being to close ,but generally in a short period of time is not to use it ,it always after a long period of time ,every day Hu .A Xi ǎ otime ,continued to infiltrate the Wutieye internal aura brand to thoroughly erased clean ,can be used by people .
Otherwise ... ... Even though it is the eighteen broken Wutieye to melt ,melt down to forge a new spirit ,but linen crank for decades before ,kept into these Wutieyenei those aura brand would eliminate, regardless of the Wutieye back into what spirit ,also inevitably can not normally use, or not use different aura a little wash inside Reiki mark this step .
relationresultBut... ... No matter how linen crank is reluctant to believe ,but the truth is right in front of him ,though he refused to believe what? The fact that Zhou Ziwei not only broke his eighteen gold Wutieye ,and .
.. ... Look at the eighteen Wutieye in air attack when the surface of the speed and flexibility of X ì ng,it seems really out of Euro RSCG baby in general, the C à Ocontrol technique it is miraculous ,Beats By Dre In Ear,linen Frankenstein before even temperature raises tens of years ,didn have reached such a flexible degree ,but .
.. ... Each other just before their defeat ,have shown this far exceeds his C à Ocontrol level ,it makes linen eccentric brake time have a kind heart grey y ù deadfeeling .relationresultSothe opponent ,why the enemy !relationresultThe originallinen eccentric confident with his many years down the accumulation of killer experience ,even if the human strength in his great one ,he can also use the assassination of the means to solve out the enemy ,but .
.. ... Now ,a gap between two may not tiny but adventitious quantity ,it is far !relationresultYou can instantlyerase his Hu ā tookdozens of time y ī ntemperature raise ,only in these Wutieyenei left aura brand ,this is how to do the work ?Also hope teachers can ?relationresultAlthoughdo not know the true linen crank Daling division reached peak realms, to what extent is strong ,but he is almost certain ,even hope Division peak ,also cannot so easily put his decades left aura brand in a flash erase ,so .
.. ... It is said this at the moment seems to be that Xi ǎ oXi ǎ Ochildren ,but his strength is reached legendary -- division of the realm of gods !relationresultRight enough.It wouldn true is a five or six year old Xi ǎ ochild ,a Xi ǎ Ochildren how may be born with comparable to hope teachers strength, but also .
.. ... He can change water dragon, and the Dragon spit fire ... ... This kind of means have been completely beyond the category of lingwu .relationresultThis... ... This man must be an age at least more than 100 years old veteran, he .
.. ... He now is already renew one !So the legend is true ... ... After the person is truly God ,but once beyond the merits of Lingwu division of the realm ,became legendary gods ,deities ,spirits .
.. ... Once the achievements of spirits division ,is the true god !relationresultRight enough.Right enough. Water dragon ,renew one ,it is a fairy generally means ,poor me until now wake up !Yes, I am.
How I lost my mind ,actually ,Beats by Dre Electroplating... ... I also want to do and a god !relationresultIn theeighteen Wutieye cemented a stylet flash J ī sh èovermoment ,linen freak heart thought hundred revolutions ,it is a surprise and regret ,then an incoherent cry, with spiritual drive the two just from the black iron branches of two short Xi ǎ obranches into two Daowu light right and left transverse frame into a cross he met the Wutieye cemented dagger .
relationresultWhile thelinen Frankenstein himself is never expect their the blow it can withstand the eighteen pieces of Wutieye blow ,in condensed in vivo in a large number of Reiki ,http://www.beatsbydr4us.com,almost are tried to blow ,immediately the remaining aura burst all perfusion to hand the black iron branch trunk ,then suddenly as a ghost , whiz ,suddenly disappeared have not the least trace was found . Related articles:

