
Beats by Dr Dre Pro g dynasty king at t

Chapter 686 two countries to make
Return from the big cloud temple, Li Qing An then received the report of reporting of close soldier, making of country in Bohai Sea and new Luo's country minister arrived.It is waiting for him receiving.
This news makes Li Qing An some surprised.He immediately order way:, "Invite two emissaries at mostly Du mansion waiting, I is right away...
Mostly the Du mansion means Yang state mostly Du mansion, is located in the Yang state Shu Gang, nominally is the tallest military in Yang state region commander-in-chief, six sorts are got by the prince Yao.Originally of Yang state mostly the Du is to celebrate Wang Li Cong, Li Cong is clay-cold, is always taken office by Wang Li 璘 .Li 璘 is squelched at the beginning of the year, now Yang state mostly the Du is taken office by Li Qing An, but also just nominally military commander-in-chief.
Yang state actually of troops' commanding officer is all rivers regiment to do to make.BE really served as by Li Bao, Yang state mostly the Du is basically just a kind of symbol, for all that, Yang state mostly Du mansion still existence, is this Lee to celebrate temple in the line that Anne's east cruises.
When Li Qing An takes bright pearl to multiply by wagon to return to mostly Du mansion, 2 makes the minister have already waited for many.
, "Bright pearl, you go first to take a break, after a while we use lunch together...
Li Qing An sees the spirit of bright pearl not so good, all the way all silent not language, he knows her worry, and then thinks of she is in front of bodhisattva of make a wish, in the heart not from love a pity abnormality to her, then love deeply ground hug she into bosom in.In her forehead lightly kissed for a while, at her ear soft track:, "Like to take a rest, the eldest brother can't be ungrateful to you.".
Bright pearl whole body an earthquake, eyes are suddenly bright, she slowly raises head and hopes infinite vision of Li Qing An's tender feelings, her eyes are gradually a bit moist, the words that she doesn't believe that she hears" is really bodhisattva to show supernatural power?
, "Eldest brother!"
, "The silly wench never cry, do close soldiers all listen to!..The low voice of Li Qing An says with smile to her""still think that I am humiliating you.", Bright pearl Fu at Li Qing An before the chest, she the dead life bite lips.Order""eldest brother, I don't cry!..
Voice but already*because of"Li Qing An wipe for her canthus tears, sigh a way:, "Silly wench!So several years, doesn't the eldest brother still understand your heart?Didn't I don't deny that old monk's form of address today?"
Thinking of a cloud Buddhist monk incredibly calls that he or she is a madam, bright pearl feels face ascend a burst of and very hot"bashful indefinitely once turned round to go.In the heart but imitated a Buddha to put on honey, "eldest brother, you receive callers a person quickly, the proper business is important.", , " Okay, I went to, you returned to building rest first by yourself.., Li Qing An descended first the wagon"treat once Li Qing An walk, the bright pearl feebly lies on the carpet a while, she tightly embraces a cushion, the face covers up into soft mat and tries very hard to bite lips" she wants to weep aloud, but wants to put a cachinnation again, in the her eyes tears Ying Ying, can the face ascend but(dew) brilliant of smiling face, ripple lovely small dimples, Yan such as a just bloom of fragrant bulb of lily.
Li Qing An walks toward the hall in quick time to, temporarily don't think the matter of bright pearl"heart in but is considering why country in Bohai Sea sends to make minister?He has already decided that the soldier delivers country in Bohai Sea, and the battalion have been already set out, by this time, making of country in Bohai Sea and new Luo's country minister suddenly arrives, it make him feel very confused, is that Bohai Sea county Wang Da Dun Qin is luxuriant and reneges"no longer welcome him?
Li Qing An of so send army to country in Bohai Sea, according to last time at Chang-an he and the county Wang Da Dun Qin of Bohai Sea was luxuriant the agreement for reaching, big Tang sent army to support country in Bohai Sea while agreeing in the crisis, but troops and send army time was decided by tang dynasty, and country in Bohai Sea would all bear Tang Jun's food grass supplies"if is necessary, tang dynasty can still just country in Bohai Sea lease a port garrison forces, these.The big Qin is luxuriant to all completely agree, both parties still signed to formally and fully forget a book.
Li Qing has peace of mind to read a to turn"he then and immediately realizes, be not don't welcome Tang Jun, and should be the situation abnormality of country in Bohai Sea is getting more urgent, there is also new Luo, it is the relation of interdependence of neighboring states with country in Bohai Sea, also should is equally fell among a crisis.
Mostly sit three people in the Du mansion lord hall, one is Hahn people, this person would be to escort a prince big handsome escape Wei Rus of country in Bohai Sea once, he already no longer is previously the military surgeon that is several Guan money to sell herb medicine, he now is the door of country in Bohai Sea department vice minister, country in Bohai Sea is to take Chinese language as official language, Wei Rus serves as Gao Guan the slightest uninfluenced, he now the biggest expectation is to receive wife son country in Bohai Sea to live a good life.Wei Rus is just pair to make, the instigator is the younger brother of country king of Bohai Sea to greatly become to celebrate, he is also country in Bohai Sea at the same time of right mutually medium the book make, country in Bohai Sea completely follows tang dynasty to practice three six set systems of savings, it since is an independent nation, at the same time also is a political satellite the tying up of dynasty is at Tang state.Country in Bohai Sea is called to suddenly talk about state in the tang dynasty, king at the same time is also suddenly talk about states all Du.After the king mounts the throne, have to be good to arrive then setting up formally of tang dynasty can formally call a king, otherwise can be called power to know national affairs, and have to pay tribute to the tang dynasty annually.And various country in Western Regions is actually similar.
Last year, the king big Qin in Bohai Sea luxuriant secret left for Chang-an and reached to send army agreement with Li Qing An.But in this agreement encountered opposing strongly of country top and bottom in Bohai Sea, the key is an among those, country in Bohai Sea will allow an infinite period of tang dynasty to lease port and allow Tang Jun stations soldiers in the port, this is undoubtedly the independence that infringed upon country in Bohai Sea, will make country under the yoke of tang dynasty in Bohai Sea, include big Qin of king luxuriant also have some to regret.
Is right mutually big become celebrate to oppose the most vigorous.This makes this agreement slowly can not get to formally pass in the domestic of Bohai Sea, can not be called the national agreement of country in Bohai Sea.
But situation of urgent changed the destiny of this agreement.Country in Bohai Sea has already got accurate news, Anne Lu mountain, contract Dan and Xi three consociation, the aggression country in Bohai Sea, this makes country in Bohai Sea top and bottom the one is struck with panic.Ask for help from suzerain state tang dynasty is that they uniquely hoped and perished with its nation and also rather made Tang Jun halt a soldier, originally and most oppose Tang Jun to halt a soldier of right mutually and greatly become to celebrate, but become this making every effort of agreement supporter, under his push"country in Bohai Sea up and down reached a consensus.Formally passed this agreement.
The lord is inside the hall still just a person would be the special envoy gold of new Luo's country good minister, he is also new Luo's nobility, the officer does obeisance top greatly etc., are also prime minister, new Luo's country and country in Bohai Sea have been feud between familieses, 2 advertise for to fight for several years, particularly is up one generation, of skill in king Ta-wu in Bohai Sea and new Luo's view virtuous king the old grudge is the deepest, almost didn't reach agreement of possibility.
But skill in Ta-wu is clay-cold, its son the big Qin is luxuriant inherited, relationship with new Luo in Bohai Sea then started appearing a lenitive evidence, although there is no friendly contacts,had no war at least, and at the beginning of this year, the new Luo's view virtuous king also died, his 8-year-old son Hui respectful Wang Deng Wei.The queen mother shoots a government and spare no effort a ground of push in new Luo's queen mother under, Bohai Sea and new Luo appeared to reach agreement, both parties started trading contacts"allow civil 〖 from 〗 from be in transit.
But this Anne Lu mountain, contract Dan and Xi will of 3 unite.Also equally made new Luo suffer biggest threat.They after 3 destroy country in Bohai Sea, the next move was by all means new Luo"the common enemy and common destiny make Bohai Sea and new Luo walk to arrive together, they decide to unite two army brigades to resist Anne Lu mountain and invading of contract Dan, but the real strenght is still not enough, two countries then send special envoy to go to at the same time big Tang to ask for help.
They are to by boat go ashore in the Yang state, very Qiao, Li Qing An in the Yang state, is absolutely a God for regarding with affection them.
3 people's sitting in the big hall to jitterily wait for Li Qing An's arrival"they are really don't know" Li Qing An has already sent battalion to by boat go up north, this is Tang Jun's absolute secret, even the Yang state none of authorities knows.
"Zhao Wang drives the his highness to!"
Along with defend the soldier's Gao He.3 people all stood at the same time"see a 30 successful in career military officers greatly tread walk to come in from the outside.Their all incognizant Li Qing An, but always the person's vehemence,Beats by Dr Dre Pro, with the gold Kui that he wears, they then know, this is dynasty Tang the tallest ruler in fact, Zhao Wang Li celebrated Anne.
3 people kneel down to salute at the same time""country special envoy in Bohai Sea greatly become to celebrate, the pair make Wei Rus pay respects to Zhao Wang's his highness!"
"The new Luo the country special envoy gold good minister pays respects to Zhao Wang's his highness!"
Li Qing An roars with laughter to start to hand they."Three special envoys are all the way hard, start to please quickly and quickly!"
Li Qing An has already seen emissary roll.Come to make is Bohai Sea and the tall officer of new Luo all incredibly "his vision quick Pie one eye Wei Rus, he wins in the quarter of once saw this name in the intelligence report" this person convoy big handsome time Bohai Sea, unexpectedly incredibly became Bohai Sea lead of door department vice minister, this person pour is a key person that is old sky of to send to big Tang.
"Three special envoys Please sit down!"
Li Qing An invites them to sit down, close soldiers give again public ascend tea, Li Qing An starts to carry cup.Is tiny tiny a smile to ask big become celebrate:"Is the county king of Bohai Sea good now?"
The "report back his highness, county the king is very good, I am just before going" county king specially prepared gift for his highness, the imperial concubine and son of a feudal lord also prepared a gift for imperial concubine and kinglet Ye."
The gift close soldier has already received"greatly become to celebrate to put a gift list on the table, Li Qing An took a look, it is baby's 1 type to is all gold and jade, and he says with smile:"Thank your county king and imperial concubine's son of a feudal lord, gift I receive!"
Li Qing An and then to new Luo the country special envoy gold good minister light way:"Hear does the new king mount the throne and why not send to make to come to big Tang?"
New Luo is similar to Bohai Sea, also big Tang to belong to a country, new Luo's country is also big Tang's Lin Zhou(chicken) at the same time the Du mansions is all.New Luo's king serves as(chicken) Lin Zhou all Du, pay tribute to the tang dynasty, accept dynasty Tang to set up formally, the old king dies, the new king mounts the throne, new Luo didn't send to make to dynasty Tang in time, and this made Tang Ting and Li Qing An all a bit dissatisfied.
Gold good minister flurried explanation way:"The new king is young, is shot a government by the queen mother, there is nobility in the junior high school defy spirit, revolt in the south, we just quelled an insurrection, so the queen mother was then sent me to go abroad as ambassador big Tang, on heading for big Tang to plea for help, was also formal to request to set up formally a new king to big Tang at the same time."
Li Qing An orders, domestic insurrection.This reason he unwillingly can accept, he turns a head to ask again big become celebrate."Anne how the circumstances of the Lu mountain is?"
Made reference to proper business, the facial expression greatly becoming to celebrate was a bit nervous, he straight body, take out a map from the baggage along with taken, spread on the table, "his highness, Anne the troops of the Lu mountain gather Liu Cheng at the camp state currently, from the circumstance that we understand, the Anne Lu mountain still has 70,000 remnants soldier, but he and then all protect a mansion to carry on recruiting in the camp state and Anne's eastses, it is said that that he wants to recruit enough 100,000 troops and agrees Dan to send army 70,000, the Xi sends army 30,000, totally 200,000 battalions, at the latest in autumn, they will launch general offensive to Bohai Sea, we country in Bohai Sea only have 80,000 troops, plus new Luo 70,000, also totally only 150,000 troops, and talk about a weapon material, we can not win against the Yan soldier of the Lu mountain of Anne, theory ride a soldier fierce, we also far and rather agree Dan and Xi, this battle, our failure of may(sex) very big, if we fail, will be Bohai Sea to put out a country, so Bohai Sea up and down implores big Tang to send army and supports us."
Flank new Luo emissary gold good minister also entreaty way:"New Luo from be then depended on to big Tang before a hundred years.Is big Tang to belong to a country, a hundred years come to polite Zong Zhu and pay tribute continuously.Hoping big Tang can at new Luo life and death alive or dead moment, give helping hand to help each other, new Luo definitely feeling Ming the bottom of one's heart, always for swear allegiance!"
Li Qing An contemplated a short moment, then to greatly become to celebrate a way:"Last year, Wang Da Dun Qin in Bohai Sea was luxuriant the secret once came Chang-an, I and he signed a mutual aid memo, king in Bohai Sea also signed at that time, but he said to need the native imperial government passed after.Just form the contract of formal country.I don't know his consideration of this memo how must, become letter of credence?"
Greatly become to celebrate and talk, Li Qing An put to interrupted him again, "if this memo pass.You have no necessity entreaty.You then can directly ask big Tang to send army according to the treaty, how, this letter of credence did you bring?"
Greatly become to celebrate to hurriedly take out a spool of Huang Chou's spooler"this is the letter of credence for tang dynasty, the hands are respectfullly polite to respectfully receive to Li Qing An, " to invite his highness to receive!"
Li Qing An once connected spooler to launch and cautiously saw a time of"indeed as expected is at the beginning he and the big Qin is luxuriant to sign of memo, have already become a formal aim idea now, cover have the printing of king the Xi and medium bottom in the book door greatly print.Is also indeed settle down by letter of credence form.
Li Qing An concerns more of is Article 3.Big Tang can the infinite period lease country port in Bohai Sea.Allow tang dynasty to build city, and station soldiers at the same time, at that time he and the big Qin luxuriant oral communication engagement was to be no higher than 30,000"the food grass needed was indeed as expected supplied by country in Bohai Sea, had this on the letter of credence, and country in Bohai Sea definitely comes down troops' number and was no higher than 30,000.
But Li Qing An didn't find out country in Bohai Sea to lease which port to big Tang, didn't say on the letter of credence, Li Qing An then said with smile:"I remember at that time and king in Bohai Sea talked over leased territory one matter, we talked two projects" a Nanking mansion that is country in Bohai Sea fertile state harbor, he allowed Tang Jun to build city, this was a simple project:Another project is a land to transpose the project"similarly build city in the fertile state harbor" but after destroying completely to agree Dan troops, the tang dynasty can hand over to Bohai Sea country the contract Dan land"as a commutation, country in Bohai Sea moreover row reason state, Washington State and Anne's state of the north to big Tang, is a tang dynasty in country in Bohai Sea of a cake of fly ground, these two projects don't know that country in Bohai Sea prepares to choose which?"
The fertile state is today's salty interest harbor in Korea, now is the Nanking mansion of country in Bohai Sea"Li Qing An hope to get this port, for Tang Jun of medium turn a replenishment, but he true just going to of is the Washington State and reason state of country in Bohai Sea.Is also today the sign of Russia pull fertile Si of Di to give a gram, the sea cucumber Wei of〗 country previously in 〖 .
He knows that country in Bohai Sea has been slavering the land of agreeing the Dan"can used to the ranch of country in Bohai Sea, so he then takes agreeing the land of Dan as a bait, exchange this north's most important port.
Although at this time country in Bohai Sea also and the 〖 day 〗 originally carry on a great deal of trade.But their consciousness to the ocean isn't high.More the importance is the real purpose that they didn't understand Li Qing An, country in Bohai Sea almost is consistent to agree the second project, change a land by land.
"His highness, country choice the second project in Bohai Sea, the contract Dan didn't put out, so didn't write in the letter of credence, after treating to agree Dan perdition, we again do 1 to add."
"Good!"Li Qing An gladly way:"Now that the formal letter of credence have been already had, that we press the engagement, I right away send army, support country in Bohai Sea!"
Two emissary bottoms went to, Li Qing An returned to temporary den.He carries hand station at*maritime country map the front once in a very long while contemplate language not.
In fact dynasty Tang after perishing Gao Ju Quan Li then and immediately begins to destroy completely to agree Dan and Su end Han Ju.But have been canning not succeed because of the condition restrictions, such as logistics and geography...etc., the war of door Ling in the sky, Tang Jun is defeated by the Su end shoe Ju, from now on country in Bohai Sea can build up, dynasty Tang sees already can not destroy completely country in Bohai Sea behind.Have to the means of adopting the conciliation, accept in order to belong to a country, country in Bohai Sea also if have a condition, dynasty Tang is the plan that absolutely can't give up to perish Bo maritime country, , Tang Gao believes in, Wu Ze Tian all successively failed, Tang Xuan believed in Li Long Ji's ages.Vomit Fan to become big biggest threat for Tang, Tang Ting has to give up to launch troops to the northeast and successively build up Anne's easts to all protect mansion and Lu Long Jie degree the mansion carry on a control to the northeast.
Now, the his turn's Li Qing An comes to consider to northeast of strategy, in later history, agree the Dan and female true and full clanses all come out from the northeast, its source was Tang Gao to believe in Gao Ju Quan Li is at the perdition after, don't can succeed to destroy completely to agree Dan and Su end Han Ju, with as for Anne's history of in disorder after, agree Dan gradually rose.Afterwards Lyu protected machine to perish country in Bohai Sea, establishment Liao country, on jumping to become northeast big country, forever become Central plains of confident great trouble.
This, Li Qing An is very clear.He can't let repeat of history, can't leave behind the problem to own descendant, either, he prepares to perish country in Bohai Sea and new Luo with 5-10 years and thoroughly unifies northeast, so build up harbor military base in department in Bohai Sea first, is managing state and Washington State to move man people.Guaranteeing manpower resource is his northeast strategic medium of heavy medium of heavy.
Sea cucumber Wei with salty interest two greatest port, can make south northern to act in cooperation.And the troops of camp state, he has confidence, can let country in Bohai Sea become big Tang's way in Bohai Sea in five years.
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