
Beats by Dr Dre Pro Renew time2009-4-31

Lead,(seem the tone of Mi Mu) on the map, there is still up to now the name of "Dan that Er islands" and"Dan that Er straits", in Australia Dan that Er the place that ascend for the first time in those early years drive named after Dan that, is in remembrance of this great"pirate explorer" with this.

The treasure of pirate hides logbook
Renew time:2009-4-314:55:09 chapter word numbers:3059

A room that lately build well on board, walk into captain can find out a logbook of blank, in aftertime of every day and night after night in, it would keep company with a ship to once walk in the wind waves together, after many years, be the ship is nearing death of time, have already closely written on the daily record full record of writing, the body one day there will of ship will disappear, but its career already condense at these record of writing in, what logbook writes is the value of a ship, have the ship life track over there.
The radicle is virtuous although have, there is unfortunately and physically no skill, the black beard is surely brave also just on lying bumptious fellow, virtuous thunder gram can be treated as a versatile in all arts, but is "official pirate" that contributes efforts to the queen, synthesize above various many people think to award"have results to show most prize" Luo's Bo Ci's captain, after all he is the brilliancy finally in the pirate golden age.
Fill the Heng Ma Mou Er's·Luo, Bo Ci, was born at the private of Wei Er of England in 1682, early years once at armed the people served(again is this sentence, I said vexed) on board, be black beard at American littoral prestige far Yang of time, he was still a Barbados boatswain first mate, at was a common sailor for 20 years after, he finally Wu some things, keep on feeling like this dry, eventually old whole life, can't have, either what Be, say with his words:"Anyway stealing a shilling will ascend gallows and similarly steal why don't steal the wealth of larger ratio!In this age, in the polite labor, work weariness from overwork, the wages is meager, and then can be well-clad and well-fed here(point to do pirate), acquire comfort and happiness and freedom and power, why not stem, go ahead regardless, the worst result also however is several Pies that accepted people to despise while being put to death by hanging just, the brief life is a happy life, this is my motto."Under the domination of this kind of mood, he joined the pirate of Davis' captain to help, at once and Davis in Portuguese's combat be killed, the sailors unanimously recommend Luo, Bo Ci, to do captain, very quick Luo, Bo Ci, became by his personal special style at that time the greatest captain.
In July, 1719, he directed "Royal stroller" number to set out, place was massacred at Davis, for clearing up accounts blood debt, his raze there of Portuguese colony, then along African littoral goes down south all the way, the tall ship robbed to constitute to°from 42 Portuguese merchantmans in September, immediately after get into Caribbean, drive into Niu Finland to the north, rob those tall ships that sail across North Atlantic.In June, 1720, "Royal stroller" number unexpectedly Gao Gao hang dry skeleton ensign, intruding into of swagger especially the thunder Brazil harbor, Luo, Bo Ci, will park more than 150 ships here to sack an empty, and picked the best quick ship to be used as him from it new flagship, Luo, Bo Ci, rises for it named"the Royal is happy", just on leaving port him and robbing six French merchantmans, in England coast, he robbed one large numbers of British merchantmans again, was all listing as wanted Luo, Bo Ci, everywhere, however he was inattentive, also played trick to say:"If I am caught, open to rob point to catch fire a medicine, everyone together quickly comfortable and happy live of go to hell."Between October 28-31, these pirates are in Dominican Republic on taking and robbing 15 English method boats and shipses, returned shot to sink a Holland warship with 42 big guns, at has the saint· that the heavy artillery guardsChris gives Fu harbor, they unexpectedly face gunfire to drive small boat blunt put in at a port to go, robbed a few sheep back.(because of having no meat on board)1721, shipping in Caribbean was completely broken by him, helpless they can turn to return to Africa, in the Libyan certain place, be them to want conflicted with aborigines while changing cow sheep with some"cheap handicraft product"(may be some glass balls), launch vehemence of combat, Christmas of time, these guys for causing trouble just returned to the bases that they establish in Sierra Leone.
He altogether robbed more than 400 ships in Luo, Bo Ci,'s pirate career, he had a very complicated character content, different from the another pirate first, he never drinks strong drink, drinks weak tea, and he is still a person who pays attention to stand rule very much, there is a ship rules that Luo, Bo Ci, draws up writing like this:
A, have equal right to vote to daily the whole business everybody.
Two, steal the person of the wealth and properties of partner and be deserted on the waste island.
Three, strictly forbid to on a ship gamble
Four, 8:00 p.m. put out the light punctually.
Five, forbid to carry not clean weapon, everybody wants to often wipe the gun and knife of washing oneself six and forbid to take a child to go aboard and seduces women dead.
Seven, run away dead.
Eight, strictly forbid personal fights, but can duel under the sistuation that have notary public, the person of companion who kill wants to bind to together throw nautical mile to go with the dead.(Royal the navy also have similar rules)
Nine, the person of physically disabled can not do to live to stay on a ship in the combat, and from"is public to save" in get 800 pieces of pesetas.
Ten, cent war booty, captain and helmsman cent double, gunner, cook, doctor and sailor long can divide an again 1/2, the other has the job the personnel to divide an again quarter of, common sailor's everybody get penny.
There is similar rules in other pirate ships, too, but performance's strictest is Luo, Bo Ci, , because of this kind of kind of behavior, he acquired the nickname of "black quasi- baron", "Ten Commandments" of this pirate says to be full of "originality of democratism" with the words of future generations historian.Really, today when we start to talk about these pirates to be how what brutish, do how much how much of bad matter, what we should not forget is at that time under that particular ages background, severe in that caste system, even"sheep" also edibled the person's society in, they of this kind of chose is an one noodles with rationality of, can be said to be historical inevitable.300 years of geography greatly discovers that people usually awake from sleep and then discover that the world become again a shape.The ruins of the Middle Ages theology hall top just at rising new of mansion.Everybody finds out his/her own new position in effort, sea business, the slave trades, the country of mysterious"southern mainland" and legendary gold, there are too many secrets on the extensive ocean drawing on people, hence on the big voyage ages in this"the young man hopes earnestly to be risky, the kings hope earnestly territory and wealth", the mankind's voyage industry came to an an unprecedented high peak for the first time, this is also why we is European seaman image what to present in at the mention of"pirate" brain today, not those Qies that wear skin A too radicle the Weis cities of the person or top of head Cape Kui living foreign, a words the seamans in 18th century are the greatest seamans, the pirates in 18th century are also the greatest pirates, although what they did is to kill people to set fire, block the plot that the road robs,we are on them equally can also see determination brave, even is one side of softhearted human nature, they have their own good and evils standard, will also already rob rich benefit poverty of the action is regardless several in F of an enemy still a ruthlessness natural environment, can't make them shrink back, several a hundred years ago, these great of the captains part Xia wear orchid Mu wine simultaneously sing be full of the folk song of self-ridicule, manipulate the quick ship shuttles in the billow, that is at will to how go toward people's absolute being, today when we speak of their stories, forever not what to forget is at they that looks like bloodthirsty outward appearance under, all bury one to stand in no fear of difficulties, braving the quest didn't know the heart of world, this is exactly the most precious valuables that they stay to us.1722 morning on February 10,Beats by Dr Dre Pro, be apart from Davis' captain in those early years to die in an accident in African littoral not far Luo in the island of a ground of prince wear Si Cape, British emperor soldier navy's"Royal barn swallow" number cruiser suffered "the Royal is happy" number and aroused wared in, a cake of plays the throat that the slice blasted open Luo, Bo Ci, , he is dead on the spot.It is saied that his helmsman, a brutally of the dauntless person completely take no cognizance circumferential Related articles:

