
cheap beats by dre g then and naturally

The world chapter 347 gets to the root of the matter
Li Long Ji imitated a Buddha to become a wax a while, he the ground of Zheng Zheng the eldest grandson that hope to kneel low Qi on the ground, very long have no language, the outside Fan is strong but believes in main weak result, he how may don't consider, as an emperor that governs for more than 40 years, the result that he does too clearly and like this is what, but this result he take no cognizance, in his eyes, frontier heavy minister's hugging soldier's independence is 1-day-old problem, this will mean that Li Shi Jiang's mountain has to change toward changing generation of danger, anyway he wants at living of the year all entirely take back the soldier's rights for making and hand over to own son, this is the most steady way, as for the result of son Zhang military power, in his eyes in fact of no account, nothing but the son replaced a grandson, or was a son to replace another son, regardless which son mount the throne, all similar to him.
Can this words how does he say to the grandson?He always can not say to anyway is your uncle Huang, you who be emperors all similar, he says not export, he knows that to mean to die to emperor's eldest grandson, on this, he is to have selfishness, his thinking finally and ascending the son of of emperor definitely is the strongest, should from he to continue Li Shi Jiang's mountain, ignore he is his own son or a grandson.
Is a burst of and sorry and ashamed in the heart of Li Long Ji, he secretly sighed an one breath, the soft voice was to grandson's way:"I this is just a kind of measure of expediency and makes your uncle Huangs take back soldier's right first, then I then hand over to you it since the their hand ascended to take back soldier's right, you also know, China emptiness but large force Chen in the frontier, difficult protect those big ministers in the frontier don't rise disloyalty, if they rise in revolt to rebel, or hug soldier's independence, that to our Li Shi Jiang's mountain will be drown of disaster, so I want at living of year solution drop this crisis, you stop worrying!I ain't so quick and then go, I will definitely finish integrity whole hand over to you the emperor."
Grandfather Huang's explanation makes Li Yu Xin in a burst of sigh, indulge body like this by grandfather Huang, his life can also maintain how long?
Li Yu has no speech with to, a long time he just way:"Grandfather Huang, the grandson still suggests to make Li Qing An send army He once, I think that this is to solve at present crisis' most steady way."
Li Yu also knows that his grandfather Huang has already been not likely to changes decided strategy again, he only looks for the second best, the crisis most steadily solve He south to once invade, he worries to go up north to support Shuo very much square of 70,000 Tang soldier, let that milli- inexperience of kinglet Ye is in command of, very may drive return to He person one war shot Kui, so, return to He person even if beat not enter pass in, and the whole Long is right to be also returned to He portrait locust pest is similar to break almost exhausted.
But Li Long Ji's intention already definitely, he allows of no anyone to break to ownly seize the power to plan, his eyebrows a wrinkly, make longer an orotund way:"I knew that I will carefully handle good this matter, you aren't interfering with."
Li Yu is helpless, he is about to take leave to back bottom, suddenly think of one matter, again way:"Grandfather Huang, I want to visit a father, don't know if grandfather Huang allows?"
Li Long Ji's point nods, "you think to the utmost a filial morality, I how can prohibit, your father's health condition isn't good, you want to concern him more, go to!"
"The grandson excuses to leave!"
Li Yu keeps on excusing to leave, at this time Li Long Ji feels exhausted abnormality, he is the hard way straight for a while waist, his empress' carrying on the back has been very difficult straight, this makes pain and sufferings in his heart not already, he changes one again the comfortable carriage lie down and slightly crumple to hold a forehead and consider just the grandson's misgiving, let Li 璿 take alone 70,000 battalions support, this really a little bit make people hard trust, have to have an experienced great commander takes him, while this great commander must is again oneself cans believe of person, he wants want and then make way:"Immediately spread eldest grandson whole clue to see me!"
Return to He the south invades of the news Yan is then like a burst of breeze, soon get about Chang-an each corner, in the streets is discussing this matter everywhere, and the officials worried dissimilarity, the big part of common people all didn't put this matter in the mind, they didn't think the He once can beat in Chang-an.
Is suburban in the east close to declare that there is a wine shop in the place of workshop door in the sun shop is called Tai dollar wine shop, because east the lord is a too original person but have a too original homophonic, the wine shop of eastern city neighborhood has no business not okay, this wine shop totally has the 4 F the floor, all of the first floor second floors are big halls, the third floors and the fourth floors the comfortable seats arrive chow time each time then, here always guest full house, until the drumbeat that closes a workshop door at the mid-night rings out, the guests just dine and wine to satiety ground to spread.
The wine shop is a public place, the nature is also various news to gather to spread of ground, big Tang is strange to smell a different matter everywhere, the romantic scandal in each big brothel, and imperial government in of intrigue against each other is all interested in topic of everyone, particularly and Chang-an the officer is many, almost the all familieses all have turn to put on horny of kin party in government in is officer, therefore some mis of officialdom smell with the officials' promoted etc., this kind of topic is really paid attention to by person, divide in noon, Tai dollar wine shop remain gastronome full house, almost each all sit before table full person, or sit or lie, respectively round chat, quarrel matchless.
One that depends a window in the second floors is small to sit one person before the table, he only according to 1 table, around stand big waist circle of two bangs of attendant, he wears a purple full-length gown, the waist ties jade to take and grows a rightness of particularly long thin doubles of eyes, but the vision extremely has absolute being, this person is exactly ex- prince, Li Heng, who is demoted for quick three years.
After eldest son went into main east temple, Li Heng then and completely acquired a freedom, Li Long Ji also withdrew to keep watch on his eunuch and allowed him to freely go out, after two years of observation, Li Long Ji has already confirmed, Li Heng isn't the threat of of emperor any more, he has already become insignificant, certainly, this also has something to do with Li Long Ji's distinctly appointing the main strategy of prince, not only is Li Heng, other princes of freedom he basically also release, not only such, for the sake of pacify Li Yu, Li Long Ji changes Li Heng as loyalty again king, this is Li Heng before being a prince of win the champion, resume an original identity, explain that Li Long Ji has already thoroughly reversed court sentence sorcery Zhong one case for him.
Li Heng not and urgently and not and slowly drinks medicine tea before table by sitting at this time, two ears but at concentrate on chat that listens to other guests, he formerly and deeply resides inside the temple and almost and all has no contact with people of first floor, now he but really like to that each wine shop teahouse experiences personally the people live and feel, this wine shop is also a place that he often comes, he still exclusively has a table here.
Gradually declining with Li Long Ji's body is contrary, but Li Heng's body on the first like on the first, he ignores the sorrow of court, or listens to a song to the theater, or drinks tea, or rides to the teahouse the horse to outskirts hunts, whole day inside leisurely and carefree self-satisfied, and his elaboration convalescent, original Lei the weak body is then with each passing day strong.
However Li Heng also had to worry at 1:00 today, he just heard several news with not goods, among them important is a He south to once invade, though Li Heng no longer asks imperial government politics,return to He to invade to relate to big nation Tang's safety, he is also really concern, he thinks the imperial government should immediately adjust the Lu mountain of Li Qing An and Anne from the thing both ends force to the steppe interior region military advance the He once withdraws troops, but he already the just like of peaceful people, his suggestion have no the place can lift.
At this time, flank a table of conversation but drew on his attention, is severals youngly and too student, the young man always not too considers the other people's feeling, consequently their voices are also particularly loud and clear.
"It is said that you have no, Anne west Li Qing An unexpectedly has the greed that call the emperor!"A black thin private son loudly way.
"I also heard that now all Chang-an got abroad and said that Li Qing An recruits everywhere, he owns of troops already not only 200,000, have 560,000 at least, it is said that he is in Anne's west of ostentatious with emperor just like, absolutely too terrible."
"He was originally the soil emperor of the west of Anne, again say he again is to believe in room, is Be finished prince after, if he in the future mount the throne to do emperor, I all feel not surprised at 1:00."
This kind of words none of ordinary people dares to freely blather, even if say,is a soft-voiced airtight language, or use water writes on the table and takes strict precautions against to beware of eavesdroppers, but these bookmen are inattentive, and they drank point wine, more reckless, pull throat loudly discussion, drew on the attention of the 1 F floor to all come over, the shop employee accounts to secretly complain of hard lot, there is heart obstructing them, the but again fears to influence business, several well-known scholar sons see everyone devote one's mind them, they are more satisfied.
"In fact I pour to hope that Li Qing how can mounts the throne."
Another operation river east the private of the accent son way:"He does a good job in Anne's west, there is no annex in land, farm tax and excise tax again light, I have an uncle, their family all moved a ground leaf to go to, I receive their letters and say that their days lead very goodly lately, the one family have one just 50 acres of last farmlands and also divided a horse, oneself bought a head of cow again, tax on farm land 30 taxes a, now already spring sowing, before harvesting authorities all to the ration and the cloth, my cousin goes to government-operated ground leaf's silk and knits a work shop and has the wages 200 texts every day, each a period of 10 days takes a rest the first, the off day returns to 50 text moneys and have six Guan moneys for a month!Even I moved, my cousin betrothed with me since the childhood, I intended to go to Anne's west and married her and conveniently sought in Anne's west some matter to do."
Li Heng sits to beside and slowly drink tea, will their talked a word to gastightly listen to into in the ear, in fact he listens to for the first time person say, is spreading Li Qing An to have the greed that call the emperor everywhere for these two days, Li Heng then realizes, this be very likely to be someone is spreading a rumor, if is a foreign enemy, that is the counterespionage, it accounts, his eyebrows is wrinkly to become one regiment, and Li Qing An's situation is disadvantageous!
At this time, stairs the step voice that spread a burst of rush, the discussion voice of the second floors immediately quells down, everyone hopes to go to the stairs, the middle age man who sees run up to come to a servant shape, public immediately breath a sigh of relief, isn't an authorities Ya of service, the big hall continues to quarrel again.
Li Heng but let go of tea bowl, the bearer is unexpectedly his servant, the servant walks to Li Heng's in front in quick time and attaches an ear soft-voiced way:"Wang Ye, too his highness sees you come, being waiting for in the mansion."
Once Li Heng's spirit flap,cheap beats by dre, from this year till now he just once saw a son, that be still the beginning of January five sons replace father the emperor manage New Year dynasty meeting far farseeing one side, this in a flash a few months pass by, don't know what variety he has as well.
He immediately the station start a way:"I this returns to!"
The Tai dollar wine shop leaves Li Heng's official residence not and calculates far, quarter after, Li Heng's wagon then and slowly stops in front of the mansion, he dismounted in quick time, an attendant immediately reported a report before running up, "too his highness has already waited for many."
"I knew!"
Li Heng glimpses to stop just across the street baton and fully has several hundred people, he then knew farely welled, the son was to secretly see himself/herself, should be the permission that got a father emperor, is also say, he today and father the emperor talked over words and talked of the nature is to return to He the south invade one matter and see to imperial government to return to He south's invading have already had a counterplan.
Body a good, the way of thinking then and naturally becomes sharp, Li Heng is just from the son's attendant baton and then predicted a lot of affairs.
"After a while take him to come to den to see me!"
Li Heng once wears medium door, directly arrive at the den of back yard inside, his good Di Zhang Shi carry to a bowl of swallows' nest gruel for him, Li Heng's ex- Wei surname of princess because Wei of treasure in the sky five years hard case and be discarded, Be forced a house as Ni, and he dotes on of another good Di to wife Du is also expeled because her father's Du has already bordered on a case east temple, discard for the common people, it is said that remarried a civilian, afterwards under Li Long Ji's commiseration, Li Heng signs Zhang Shi who lately wait on Qie as good Di again, is called Zhang Liang Di.
Zhang Liang Di shows consideration to an ability, not only wait upon Li Heng very good, and beat in the mansion whole get tidy, enjoy Li Heng's doter, moreover she as early as ten several year agoses then borns second son Li Xi for Li Heng, be sealed for the southern sun king, therefore she replaces Wei the imperial concubine is also a reason in.
Li Heng once connects swallows' nests and then says with smile:"Preparing again is a bowl of, the Yu son came."
"The master trusts, I have already got ready."
At this time, unauthorized biography in the door comes to Li Yu's voice, "father king, can I come in?"
Li Heng closes a volume book on the table and says with smile with the hand:"Come in!"
The door opened, Li Yu was worry ground to walk to come in and gave father and kneel down after the mother, "the child pay a courtesy call on a father and pay a courtesy call on a mother."
"Get up!"
Li Heng conjecturesed son's one eye and saw he compare formerly seem to be steady heavy mature and steady many, then order to say with smile:"My son indeed as expected again progress."
Zhang Liang Di considers for the sake of oneself's son, to Li Yu also particularly passionate, she smiles to carry into a bowl of swallows' nest gruel in person from the outside and puts in Li Yu's in front to say with smile:"Yu son, this is yours."
"Thank a mother!"
Zhang Liang Di says with smile:"Your father and son chats, I close the door for you."
She closes the door and then goes out, the room inside leaves Li Heng's father and son 2 people for, and Li Heng smiled to say with smile:"Do too how is the felling of ?Is very tired!"
"There is 1:00, but I can also prop up live."
Li Heng ha ha smile, "if you pay to can not hold up, let to go to for the father to do for you, I can have experience."
Is a burst of and in fear in Li Yu Xin, he doesn't know father's this sentence is what mean, hurriedly way:"If the father emperor wants, the child can abdicate at any time."
Li Heng Lian's smiling face disappeared, he long thin eyes Mi get up, look at son's way:"You really be willing to?"
"If the father wants, child this goes to and says for grandfather Huang."
Li Heng smiled again, "I just play a joke on you, you never take seriously."
He sighed a tone way:"Experience so many frustrated, my heart is dead, give in the God so much my a good son, make him able to inherit I don't unexpectedly of business, you go into main east temple than I go into main east the temple make me feel joy more, I worry your grandfather Huang to you too the Ke engraves, Yan such as those early years I am similar, can now see to him to the grandson far compare be good friends with to the son, however you also want caution!"
Li Yu's point nods, "child everything caution, in no case will be held tight a hold."
"That good!"
Li Heng drank swallows' nest gruel to say with smile again:"Have you ever seen grandfather Huang today?"
"BE!Opened an urgent dynasty in the morning meeting, afterwards I and then saw him alone."
"He how?I am to say that his body is O.K.!"Li Heng not the dew voice color ground ask a way.
"Is not very good!"Li Yu lightly shook to shake head, " grandfather Huang seems to be very old and is like an old man about 80 years old, and his back already rickets."
"Resist to cure how to say?"
A long time, Li Yu just soft-voiced way:"Resist to cure to worry grandfather Huang again so self-indulgent next go, afraid of cook however this year."
This spouted in Li Heng Yan for an instant together thick thickly hate an idea, immediately disappear to disappear, he again tiny smile way:"Say the matter of He is once!What is the counterplan of end ?But make Li Qing An send army?"
Li Yu's facial expression is upset, he sighed a tone way:"Kingliness country and piece still the book even include Yang Guo Zhong to all think to make Li Qing An send army to is the best solution, but grandfather Huang Be not willing to."
"Be not willing to!"Li Heng Yi Zheng, " that does he how solve?"
"Grandfather Huang has already recalled Anne to think agreeable Shuo square the stanza degree make and let Guo Zi Yi take office, again life 29 uncle Huangs lead right river of Long western total 70,000 soldierses go up north to support Shuo a square."
Li Heng's along while didn't utter a word, he then understood to come over all of a sudden, the father emperor seizes the power of good hand segment!The exploitation returned to disorderly He to unexpectedly and with one action seize Long right and Shuo square two matter of principles degrees soldier's right for making, he could not help sighing low a , "afraid afraid he take Li in the fire, the Li didn't take and on the contrary harmed a hand."
"BE!We all think like this, Li 璿 is just 20 years old, he only because mother the martial wise instrument receives great favors but go to the Long is right, oneself have no what outstandingly just can, he even basically has never fought, I am worried that he will be returned to He one war shot Kui, endanger the whole safety with right Long, at that time perhaps close medium all not necessarily protect live."
Make reference to this, Li Yu's eyes are again getting reder, he grief and indignation way:"I entreaty grandfather Huang don't want strong Fan of tree but weak east temple, in the future will cause eight of the Jins king civil war, can grandfather Huang didn't put in the mind, he already iron the heart want to divide to seal a various king, father king, if he cook however today, I again should how?"
Li Yu knelt down and kowtowed a Qi way:"I already the mental exertion is distressed, beg a father to teach me."
Li Heng hurriedly handed a son and comforted his way:"My son need not worry, for father from have good plan."
Li Yu's exultation, he know that the father will definitely have a way, his station starts and is full of hope ground to hope a father.
Li Heng sneered at 1 and ground teeth a way:"He after Na son daughter-in-law was the imperial concubine, already became to faint Yong have no way, weighed to use disloyal minister, dismissed a good material, and then killed a man will, from ruined Chang-an, resulted in all alone today's bad situation, he has been irretrievable and then solves a crisis with the means that doesn't hesitate to sacrifice world mankind and emperor's eldest grandson, he knows perfectly wells meeting tree the strong Fan will result in the war of Duo, but bent on having do like this, nothing but want to promise emperor on his the son's hand just, but ignore your living, hum!He is unkind, we also not righteousness."
Li Heng depresses voice to son's way:"We can do both things simultaneously, you immediately write a letter to use to fly a pigeon to spread a book to send to Li Qing An, life he immediately sends army He once, quickly force once the He withdraw troops, secondly I estimate to regardless is an elder brother, the comfortable Han still Anne thinks fluently, can't so easily hand over a military power, now he wants Duo, these 2 people's power, is your opportunity, particularly that the elder brother's comfortable Han relationship with me is always quite good, you can be dark to don't want to hand over power the comfortable Han of elder brother, so, Li 璿's also taking doesn't walk so many soldiers, I want after this matter, elder brother the comfortable Han will turn but be more loyal to than you, this call get to the root of the matter, lose of eastern corner but accept of mulberry Yu."
Li Yu is some hesitant, do to seem like this to grandfather Huang not righteousness, Li Heng sees through the son's heart, he is cold to hum one- track:"You think emperor what is battling out ?The kind and justice is loyalty and filial piety that is what history officer write to posterity to see, if you really did like this, mean stupid and suicide, you think by yourself know!"
Li Yu sighed tone, way:"I this writes a letter to Li Qing An, however elder brother comfortable Han there I still can not find a suitable candidate."
Li Heng sat to keep body, light a say with smile:"Anyway I have free time, I run for you a !"
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