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…Bodhisattva ……Luo ……Shi Mo of, teacher do you know?"The Hong Qian shakes a way:"I ain't clear either, listen to uncle Shi saying."
Li Qiang hurriedly says:"Have no Shi Mo …… is that I think many." he knows it in heart this Buddha religion parties and home town of a little bit different, probably have a certain connection, but affirmation isn't the Buddhism of home town.
Is empty thick the disappointment of the full face, he thought at first that Li Qiang has the relation of Shi Mo with own religious section, so can understand some circumstances.He frustratedly says:"So that's why …… took leave first …… you, alas! calculate." he saw one eye small sea demon, the helpless leave-taking returned to.
The Na is kind to wear to to a tee come out a way:"Eldest brother, the Pa is originally awake."
Li Qiang smells speech exultation:Everyone of"ha ha, too stick! everyone see with me." is jubilant to flow out into an inside of house.
The Pa originally awakes from sleep and discovers that oneself not only didn't die and seemed capability to still have a very great exaltation.Once experiencing is from cradle to grave, again from die to living,http://www.beatsbydrinus.com, his in the mind be really filled with a thousand regrets.See Zhao Li Qiang take a big cluster of person the Xi hip-hop admires of runs to come in, he was too agitated to a little bit frighten into inaction.
Everyone rounds to sit at his nearby, a per of say hello to him.The Na is kind to clap his shoulder to say with smile:"Ah, old Pa, luckily you are all right, the eldest brother almost watches over Nan City to all want to ruin for the sake of you. darling …… the eldest brother want to start a violent wind, wanting to frighten to death a person." he Xi Zhao the mouth exaggerate ground to say.
The Tan song was bumped Na with the shoulder kind for a while:"Old Na, Hey Hey, you say eldest brother like this, his pouring is again to probably deliver a violent wind very much, carefully your baldheaded ……" Na is kind horizontal his one eye:"Eldest brother just can't."
The smile way of Li Qiang Wei:"Pa originally, we are soon about to go to a western mainland, your daughter can you seek in person. etc. slope life trading company tread a radicle to totally hand in, you can ask him in person."
The wreath attends to own the brotherses for rounding Zhao, the Pa originally contains Zhao tears to say with smile:"Eldest brother, with Hou Pa originally heel Zhao you, I want that fixing with eldest brother is true to go, other of …… the Pa originally have already would not liked to pursue again. tread a radicle totally ……" he hesitated a way:"Calculated, the Pa originally all had been already felt sick of to the all theses, don't think again realize."
The Pa that is marvelously public to see Zhao discovers that he was like to completely become a person originally.Li Qiang is also tiny tiny a foolish, however, he very quick Wu come over, low from the language way:"Big Che big Wu? incredibly can release to hate of keep to read." in the mind really admires Pa originally, know that he has this to read, some future day of the achievement is limitless.
"Good! good! good!"
Li Qiang connected to say three good words and cordially said:"Pa originally, I accept your this pupil!" this is his first time to accept Tu on his owns initiative.Pa originally Be getting more delight with unexpected good news, climb to start respectfullly polite respectfully salute:"Teacher at up, the pupil Pa originally kowtows." he this recruits still and learns from Zhao Hao.Li Qiang cans not sit upright and accepted his week.
It Be getting sader on an individual of side.Sees Na kind to cry the way of Ji Ji:"Eldest brother …… blare …… eldest brother ……" everyone got a fright for Pa being originally happy, suddenly drive Na kind this strange chamber being strange to adjust of voice.Zhao Hao stared his one eye:"The Na is kind! you stem Shi Mo!" Na is kind to frighten moved to move to the side:"Have no …… didn't do Shi Mo ah." he is to really fear Zhao Hao, ever since that time at big Xia training Hou, he starts afraid he.
The Na kind Di whispers Gu:"Do not accept me for the eldest brother of Shi Mo …… I also want to do obeisance teacher ……" sees surroundings nobody to realize, he again the way of Gu Nong:"Have no nature's law, how none of Mos talk for me ……" Li Qiang means deeply long ground of say:"The Na is kind, isn't that I don't accept you and wait to return to your home town Hou, I will ask you once, if at that time you would like to be also, I accept."
Someone comes to report:The hole axes strange come back.
The hole axes strange is really extremely proud of success, he accompanies Bo Bo will main convoy Lan princess Jiu, all the way he would be main to launch strong shameless offensive to the Bo Bo, although Bo Bo will the lord didn't promise his Shi Mo, , don't refuse as well to his affability all the way, he from think to greatly have a hope, the mood is really an extremely good.
"Eldest brother, I come back!" hole axes strange come in and then shout, he acrosses into inside house:"Oh, everyone how Mos all at? eldest brother ……" Li Qiang smiles Zhao to beckon with the hand:"The hole axes strange, come over to sit. ha ha, the Bo Bo will be main and Lan princess Jiu all safety? ah, hole axe strange …… smooth,Artist Series?"
The hole axes strange facial expression tiny tiny a green, he listenned to the meaning of an eldest brother and had a little to ashamedly say:"O.K. …… still calculate smoothly." Na is kind and Tan song 2 people almost send out 1 at the same time:"?" Hole axes strange know that these two guys are thinking Shi Mo, a bottom sits at two of him nearby, small voice threat way:"You two guys give me honesty to order."
The Tan song connects a track:"Is, is, is ……" he the blunt Na is kind crowded crowded eye, the 2 people facial expression badly and mutually sees but smiles.
The hole axes strange secretly and ruthlessly clenched them a , haven't waited they to call to make a noise, he compete first says:"Eldest brother, there are two affairs wanting a report ……" he satisfiedly see Tan song is as kind as Na, see two of him just in the Zi tooth the mouth ground can not dare to interrupt his words head again with angry determination.
"A affair is, fear the breeze is willing stop for around 8-10 dayses, the Wu life Cape has already come together large numbers of company's trips and fears breeze at the time that beginning stopped ghost sea is was calm most , had better also walk, whether we be preparing for a while, another ……" axed strange hesitated for a while,Beats Solo HD, don't know how the Mo said.
Li Qiang curiously asks a way:"Another Shi Mo?"
"Moreover …… is that …… dreamlike night." hole axes a strange wry smile way:"Eldest brother, you don't know, this trick woman saw can very serious, Lan princess Jiu and the son of Bo Bo to them displayed for a while, ah, eldest brother, they don't seek Lan princess Jiu want …… let me the Shao words come back and say to let eldest brother to stay a small bottle of, I …… I almost don't tie up for them crazy."
In fact, he still has words don't say, those woman almost the everyones all see him the Ran is interesting to the Bo Bo, beginning think that he has perfume, keep giving him allusion, make him the tremble with fear was scared, feared Bo Bo Ran to misunderstand.He with difficulty explain clear he have no, is an eldest brother to have, result those woman unexpectedly all come to threaten him, don't want to let him from that miraculous eldest brother there again made a small bottle of, most the Hou makes his pain not the desire living, if not that Lan princess Jiu breaks siege, he doesn't know should how ending.
"Dreamlike night" now but all ladies mouth the fashionable word of the side, it is said that, there are severals having already boasted, also want to make to this thing at all costs."Dreamlike night" already the fame greatly flap.
The Na is kind to touch Zhao just be axed strange to clench painful thigh, suddenly say:"Old hole, ask a……"
The hole axes strange see him in all seriousness appearance, ask a way:"Old Na, the matter of Shi Mo?"
"This …… the son of Bo Bo …… is who? the Mo calling is warm and affectionate." Na kind one face Be bad to smile, the Tan song also joins in the fun a way on the side:"Old Na, you are really stupid! even this all doesn't know …… the son of Bo Bo …… affirmation is a Bo Bo will main son." Na is kind to clip to tie up not and purely Rang of way:"Not to, are you just stupid! probably is a daughter to also say to prohibit."
Li Qiang raised a hand one person to brush a slap and say with smile:"Talk nonsense, old hole and Bo Bo Ran didn't°yet that, which come of son's daughter, you twos Be clean to guess indiscriminately!"
The hole axes strange is making moves to teach two of him in the dark pleased eldest brother, but once the words of eldest brother export, almost don't make him lie down and unexpectedly say than two of him still excessively.The Na is kind and the Tan song Wu Zhao head, see Zhao eldest brother, two of him smiled to turn over in the ground right after Li Qiang finished saying.This bottom's persons here all knew that the hole axes strange at pursue Bo Bo Ran will be main.
The hole axes strange one face of helpless and wry smile:"Eldest brother ……"
Fiercely the Li Qiang reaction comes over, quickly explanation:"My meaning isn't that …… is that!" he more says it's more disorderly.
The Na is kind to smile the eye is full of tears:"Eldest brother, we all know …… that."
Li Qiang explanation way:"That …… is …… get married …… hi! grandmother of, calculated, all forbade again said." he a think to be not to, this kind of topic as long as in the beginning the very difficult Cha must live and said to also can not remember clearly Chu, the Gan frailty plays shameless put the Wei of an eldest brother power.
Everyone a see Li Qiang play shameless, then calmness come down.Stopped in a short while, everyone Related articles:

