
monster beats with smileYou are

 Leaf any has already guessed that he wants to ask this and has already got ready answer:"Meet to narrate in detail again, I want to work now, so!"

Volume 3 chapter 97 is anti- to explore
Renew time:2008-10-623:53:16 chapter word numbers:3357

Leaf any has never got around to allows Yan and allow Yan to listen to clearly with the dialogue of small Yang, treat a leaf any the be over is converse behind way:"That money nothing important of, you need not put too much in the mind."This kind of words ordinary people say to come how much will take some compositions of falses, however from Xu Yan Kou in speak let to feel matchless sincere.Is much less as Xu Jia, "that money nothing important" is absolutely big truth.
Leaf any smiled to smile, there are no too many explanations, is just a way freely:"It is as it should be."
Allow Yan to continue to ask a way:"You say that you want to work now, you want to do what matter?"
Leaf any says with smile:"Protect you!"
Allow Yan to also follow to say with smile:"Two of you are all very interesting."
Leaf any whispers:"Is interesting?Does this at last cry up?"
Allow Yan to close lightly a mouth way:"Be regarded as!"
Leaf any had no a speech.He has no matter and others Dou to quarrel to at last have to so order scholastic attainment,monster beats, but this kind of claver not too excels.Leaf any more and more feels that the small Yang hands over to a big own task completion difficulty, oneself really could not seek what breakthrough to find out news.Besides, the small Yang is used "news" two words generalized a while, actually equal some directions don't point out.
Allow a Yan station to start after being dead silent in house a short moment, stretched one lazy waist way:"Is very stuffy, really want that going out is deeply well ventilated."Finish saying to hope a leaf any, say with smile:"You are to not is to say, 'had better stay in the house for the sake of the safety', stop worrying, I can't make you difficult to do."
Leaf any smiled to smile a station to start a way:"Have no, you want to go out all right, as long as don't leave me too far and then go.Yard inside and house inside safe."
"That good!We go to a yard inside."Allow Yan to finish saying to start to carry this book, the dynasty walks outdoors to, leaf any closes on the heels of afterward.
The yard nature compares to have to be much bigger in house, although just once snowinged two days ago, but Xu Jia Yuan the slightest disappeared the trace of snow and obviously had already been cleaned up by the efficient maid cleanly.
Allow Yan slightly some sorry tunnels:"Can early come back for several days like, can with heap heavy snow the person have fun."
Leaf any at she after death and at will way:"It was so big to still play snow man."
"Keep in mind old!"Allow Yan to say with smile:"Said again, I left 18 years old still have several days, I am still a nonage now."
"How?Does your birthday shall arrive soon?"Leaf any hears what, freely follow the words of the other party to say, this is the way that he chats with others.
"Yes!Saturday is my 18-year-old birthday."Allow a Yan way, " however my ID card has already once got."Do not know why, allow Yan in addition such a.
Is Tuesday at this time, the distance still has four days on Saturday and thinks that own task is unlikely to end so quickly, leaf any didn't also say what"wish your happy birthday in advance" of useless talk, but come to order substantial:"Seeing to me must take time to prepare a birthday gift."
Allowing Yan is slanting head to ask:"Do you know what I like?"
Leaf any:"Do not know, you can tell me!"
"That is getting duller."Allow Yan to say, "'s waitsing you to finish sending to see again is being not me is favorite, seeing us isn't inspiration."
Allow keeping of Yan the white let leaf any is very embarrassed.Allow Yan always nowise dissimulation ground to leaf's any good will that delivers to him, today's few words speak, absolutely is already at to leaf any paid address.However compare to allow Yan to falsely grow the leaf in 1:00 any the true war test in this aspect extremely short of, cope with of move only a recruit "old face a red, pay a Wu Wu".
Be good at Xu Yan ascertaining intent through word and expres sees leaf any of embarrassed Tai, just aside steal to smile, but didn't pursue relentlessly a fierce dozen again as well.2 people slow step arrived at inside the hospital of a carry.Here among the flower bush turf-grass put round table piece, 2 sits chair.The maid of distance hopes to see, the rush ran to come over and spread on two chairs ascend cushion.
2 people sit down, leaf any Yang rises neck to depend in the chair-back way:"The early morning rushes out to take a sunbathe, I am one first time."
Allow a Yan title to hope to watch from a distance a sky, will never be good weather today, murky, immediately cannot help but a way:"Which there is the sun?"
Leaf any has already discovered this fact as well and have to way:"I am also seeking."Allowing the Yan has already burst Chi one smile out.
The maid asks a way in a side:"Young lady, what does Mr. Xu want to drink a point?"
"Take a pot of coffee!"Allow Yan Be saying and using vision to leaf any consults.The leaf is every ashamed to direct somebody else's maid to wait upon the own, hurriedly nod to express consent.
Coffee turns in a sudden but goes to, the maid after giving 2 people each poured one cup draws off while allowing an expression of eyes of Yan.The effort that these maids ascertain intent through word and expres' comparing with to allow Yan to come to that is also an expert class of.Besides they still understand the attitude of Xu Yan's way to get along with people, have already discovered that their two young ladies treat this bodyguard Mr. Ye's attitude not of the common run.This is that they treat a leaf any also finishes respectfullly finish respect of true reason.
The hot air rises from the cup and spread up in the air.Allowing the Yan has already picked up her that cup, after lightly closing lightly an one mouthful way:"This is big cold sky of to drink hot coffee in the outdoor side, whether is also 1 kind to enjoy?"
Leaf any smiled to smile, there is no speech.Start to carry cup to after tasting the one mouthful very marvel.Connect him the coffee idiocy that once drinks two coffee, also realized this twice in the obvious margin on the file time.The rich is indeed as expected the rich, leaf any unbearable regrets.Come out to do this task this time, have already also at last got to know the world once.In the future brag with others, how much also some capitals.
The effort of leaf any thought desertion allows Yan to ask a way:"How is coffee?"
"It is quite good."Leaf any hurriedly answers a way and fears that oneself speaks amiss and immediately after adds a way again:"In fact this is just I to drink coffee for the second time, I still could not divide quality."
Allow Yan to say with smile:"You return be really honesty!"
"What?"Leaf any didn't understand the meaning of allowing the Yan.
"I see of many people, at meet oneself have never got in touch with of or don't know of matter, will also pretend to mean to once get in touch with or know for the sake of supporting a face!You pour well, the other people didn't ask, you all spoke by yourself."Allow a Yan way.
Leaf any Hey Hey says with smile:"Had this two dozen under of foundation, I think next time I can also pretend."
"You see, so trivial mind you also speak, I say you honesty a point right."Allow Yan to say with smile, the end says again:"The honesty seems to be not that fitting, should say BE, calm?"
Be kept white ground to cry up, hence leaf's any another old faces a red, pay a Wu Wu.
Leaf any of PDA pretty and appropriately ring out at this time, leaf any turn over one Chou, is a small Yang:"How, explore what have no."
Leaf any replies him:"Eldest brother, now distance just two of us converse for a long time?"
Small Yang:"Is not that long, however you just do some talk shows of, have no quasi- few words spoken to slice medium vital part."
Leaf any:"I explore a this week six is her 18-year-old birthday, be regarded as vital part?"
Small Yang:"Birthday?This I didn't keep in mind, however I think in the data of your PDA should can see, continue hard, scoop out the thing of ordering the deep time to come out."
Leaf any:"I remember you the analysis last night is to allow Xi to have a problem?You should also dig out a point what things come?"
Small Yang:"He is more busy, wait him now free I will dig of, you continue to make great effort!Still have, although is to send letter an interest, you also beware of, don't be seen a contents."
Leaf any:"This still says with you."
Leaf any lays up PDA and allow Yan at this time way:"Of your bodyguard contact, all use PDA?"Allow Yan obviously is know Related articles:

