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, And then Ning Qin Shou living for a while.
"Now son Zha ground, come next black hand, 1:00 have no the kid keep a daughter-in-law of awakening, pour to be like mama, like that the son uses to choke me and bite me to express the feeling of her fancy."Qin Shou livings an in the mind to whisper, don't dare to speak on the mouth.
"Just Zha of, be like to suffer indignities?Did the small Wan humiliate you?"And Qin Wan dozen come to grips to shout, the lazy ocean ocean lies at Zhang Cui on the bed and puts an appearance of elder sister, big of ask.
Listen to the process that Qin Shou living to say to settle a dispute feeling, Zhang Cui is light on smiling, say:"Gao bureau chief is BE how are you, fear that you make to have an accident, not good ending.Living son, the good heart has already done not like the precept of report much to go to.The docile is sometimes true meeting drive society cast off.You take in a nonage the stem live, how to see outsider?They will not believe that you are one heart for the sake of these kid's prospects, to the opportunity that they make money, let them need not walk the road of crime.They will think that you are to make use of a kid to make money, will cast off you.Nonage's problem, problem is now's society to concern very much, national now can't, basically solve not this problem.Nation all solution not, but you want to solve, the affair spreads go to, isn't people to all want to ask:Officer's the masterses of nation, city Wei and city hall, you all do to arrive at what, unexpectedly even shine on kids to can not consider of.You say that you is this beating the face of nation and is the face of officer's master that isn't beating city Wei, city hall?Did you still want to do?"
"Depend!"Qin Shou livings to be regarded as grow knowledge, can heart in also very depressed, jump up a bed, hug Zhang Cui to touch Suo, want to pass to vent to alleviate on her to be own depressed.
Be touched have his face raddens all over of Zhang Cui determinedly disallow Qin Shou to living to infringe upon her:"The son doesn't go now, I am ill.Hereafter don't go as well!"
"Zha ground?"Zhang Cui whom the head still literally sleeps for several days is suddenly serious, let Qin Shou give birth to a doubt to don't understand.
Zhang Cui Lian a red, just wanted scold Qin Shou living, suddenly feel a bit disgusted,www.beats4monster.co.uk, lie prone on the bed the dry Ou got up.
Qin Shou livingsed to get a fright and quickly handed her and lightly tapped her empress to carry on the back.
After feeling quite a few, Zhang Cui suddenly chokes Qin Shou to living and scolds a way:"Dead boy all blames you!I …."
Don't say again what, Zhang Cui depressedly lies on the bed and closes the eyes for a rest.
"Living son, the elder sister wants to be married."Zhang Cui lightly of the voice spread and almost living Qin Shou to knock down in the ground.
"Get married?"Qin Shou livings not to dare to believe ground to say.
"Yes!The elder sisters all rushed 30 to go to, don't get married again, people all say that the elder sister is getting more unmarriageable."
"Whom to get married?"Utterly confused Qin Shou livings and asked there are some stupid words in one.
"Yesterday son Zhao Nan Tian came to seek me, he begged me to forgive him, I wanted to think, the others was to don't go, nest timid bag of, may can be subjected to the man of my temper, also he.The elder sisters all made you sleep and could not picked Jian again, either and had to compromise to lead with him."
Qin Shou livings silently language not.Although he clamors in Zhang Cui's in front and forbids her to get married, can he also knows, in the organization Zhang Cui of the work isn't likely to have been following him, oneself doesn't get married.Can want to is to think, really arrived this situation, his in the mind was still not pleasurable.
"He says that his don't care I with how are you, as long as I marry him, he wholeheartedly of love I.I say with him and say that I went to bed with you, wasn't a miss, he also recognized.Once I think, if changed other people, only afraid the fire have already emitted three Zhangs and also only had him, can endure me and be subjected to me, I agreed."
"Do not go!"Qin Shou livings to vomit two simple words and meant their own opinions.
"Do not go?That Zha does, do you get married with me?"Zhang Cui hates ground to say, " waits you to graduate, elder sister all 30.At that time, other people a see:!I say how Zhang Cui hasn't been getting marrieds, is like a young delicate small!The old cow eats delicate grass!I just not and so."
See Zhang Cui unexpectedly terrifying to see her so, Qin Shou livings to unable to cay or laughly say:"Elder sister, that south the nature and man is timid don't say, knew from he that I give°ed you to sleep, not angry, on the contrary still wanted to get married with you to see, he basically likes of isn't you of person!You marry him, ability happy?"
"Ascend which seek happy go to?"Zhang Cui depressedly says that" had you, I had no this lifetime happy.The elder sister marries Zhao Nan Tian, do you still allow to pass elder sister?Not and as usual three day two grounds to harass elder sister?Sometimes, the elder sister thinks an it's cruel and ignored you any further, can see you, the heart is getting softer.The all saying softhearted trousers belt of woman is loose, the elder sister were too softhearted to you, otherwise, how ability drive you to sleep?"
See Qin Shou living one face of unwilling, Zhang Cui touches his face and love to pitily say:"He wants of, in addition to the house is the position that asks for help of my daddy, let him seek a good work, climb very upwards.Be married, these things all had, my not so clean woman, he also not definitely sincerely likes me.When the time comes, he wants to do what, I also ignored."
Don't forget a ticket!Next chapter, a Zhuo son bought marriage

The text chapter 157 Zhang Cui's wanting is married
Renew time:2009-5-820:28:54 chapter word numbers:2610

"Old elder brother, you said these runts to also bother too much, my that day kept night from defending, left defend right defend, impossible to effectively guard against!"
1 that Gao draws a deep sigh:"I also want to solve this affair, can have heart to have no dint!You say that I caught them, can their age is young, can not handle them again, can send to send a station.Can send them have never walked several stations are up train, these runts ran back.Time grew, I also was getting more vexed.Is also, they not is have no the father have no mother, be drive person's maltreatment in the home, don't wish to be foolish in the home.Saw a city besides of prosperous, they basically don't think foolish in the strange gully.These child, let me distress!"
No wonder that Gao bureau chief last fire.If changed an adult crime, he canned also punish them, can these are 10 years old the small guy not arriving commit crime, he in addition to being depressed, also true have no way.
"Old elder brother, you say, I seek to live stem for these runts, let them renew through own efforts how?"
"What!"Once Gao bureau chief eye stare, " livings son, you want to think!Want to use child labor, I the first don't pass you."
"Old elder brother, does your Zha think like this!The "Qin Shou livings injustice ground to say, " An is again poor, also be unlikely poor to use child labor.The An does like this and just wants to help them, they don't want always drive exploitation, walk the road of crime during a lifetime."
"Living son, the old elder brother knows that you want to help them, but, sometimes, the docile is also a kind of fault!You help a person, not definitely the ability be agreed with!"
Clap Qin Shou gives birth to of shoulder, Gao bureau chief idea interest dullly walked and left Qin Shou to be born to daze over there.
To oneself, Qin Shou livings to have very clear understanding:Is selfish, some mean, also learn recently some shameless.Can he again mean shameless, can't be like station, either here of some persons so, make use of those 78-year-old divagation children, the Tao wrap, robs a pack and picks a door to pry a window, even some people break the kid's body Ning and made use of them to all enter their purses to money trying to gain the other people's sympathy, but wanting.
"Pa", someone plays the forehead that Qin Shou gives birth to and play he keeps absorbing air conditioner.
The vexation ground raises head, can on seeing a murderer, Qin Shou livings honesty, the Hey Hey smiles and hugs that person's waist limb:"Elder sister, you came."
"Think what?Think so in mental concentrationly?Can't be think who the little daughter-in-law of house?"Zhang Cui Ning wears the waist eye that Qin Shou gives birth to and not and kindly says.
"Think Ge Ling.Not not not, miss elder sister."Qin Shou livings hippies smiling face ground to say.
"Dead boy, the elder sister is like Ge Ling so ugly?"Zhang Cui's in the mind didn't take pleasure in, again Ning Qin Shou living for a while.
"Now son Zha ground, come next black hand, 1:00 have no the kid keep a daughter-in-law of awakening, pour to be like mama, like that the son uses to choke me and bite me to express the feeling of her fancy."Qin Shou livings an in the mind to whisper, don't dare to speak on the mouth.
"Just Zha of, be like to suffer indignities?Did the small Wan humiliate you?"And Qin Wan dozen come to grips to shout, the lazy ocean ocean lies at Zhang Cui on the bed and puts an appearance of elder sister, big of ask Related articles:

