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The layer comes up to verify the intelligence report in the our hand of really false, Russian military force is weak to is exactly weak to arrive what extent, certainly navy's investigation term can promote our battleship toward Russia that is had better however ……"

The text chapter 275 lends a chicken to lay egg
Renew time:2009-3-160:47:09 chapter word numbers:5200

"You have already decided the knife is on their neck and also have a mood to promote battleship for them?!"Is quiet to say with a smile
Tan Yan puts to say with a smile:"I make it a rule to money of using the opponent to strengthen our real strenght!"
"From come to see your plan is very good currently, but concerning Russian fighting strength of circumstance we needs further verification, says true of I feel this risks in it still very big ……" some quiet misgivings say.
"Risk greatly of moreover a meaning would is income Gao, if have no enough benefits to draw on me, I can't stick my neck out, either the nest is to the Tong hornet, in fact I hope that the opponent that I make selection is Russia so surface light fresh but physically bother layer after layer opponent, not although have a liking for go to at be on the decline road real strenght remain violent British Empire!"Tan Yan Su permits to say.
The quiet and positive color says:"Did you really make a firm decision?!"
"My decision has never faltered!"
Is quiet to shake to say:"You think that the affair that do didn't do to don't become!However since you have to walk this insurance road, I will also make an effort to match with you, I intend to join the government mansion public finance to put forward special amount of money in the budget and in order to support a northeast emigrant, however you should also know once the northeast immigrates, the in a short time is like Shandong, Henan, Shanxi, Shaanxi and in the province like this in Gansu, the land price will decline very quickly, at the same time short date inside local food the supply will also have some troubles ……"
Tan Yan answer way:"This isn't what great problem.Being like Shanxi is to take mineral industry resources as a lord, person in Shanxi walks west the and person in Shaoxing emulate when the expert in essence is to don't distinguish ground, all confirmed disease with little ground, be like the grounds, such as Hunan and Jiangxi...etc. of the still having of the circumstance like this also all about, these ground rich degree that province is different, but all face serious ground of little person's many situations, give these persons who save certain of special discount immigrate to northeast, believe to common people and is a very the earth temptation ……as for the in a short time food caused because of emigrant supply problem, I think can from import a food, this link to come up consideration ……"
Is quiet to ask a way:"From abroad import food's pouring is a quite good viewpoint.You let Chiang-Nan dockyard construct the freighter of 7,000 ton classes is also proceed from consideration like this?"
"About, always not ability our warships can build more than 10,000 tons, have no truth our public cargo vessels be still going back and forth inside 10,000 tons …… certainly later we are also proceed from needing to import more things and be like petroleum, food, iron mine stone, various machine equipments …… these all need large freighter to carry, these silvers I am to don't think so white white cheap foreigner ground ……" Tan Yan says with a smile.
"Emigrant's opening up northeast is surely a good way, this can at very shortly time inside solve Chinese land resources nervously problem, know the land is the whole to common people, if most of farmers all lost the land that can plow.That leaves to rebel also not far ……"
Tan Yan says with a smile:"Your this premier effectively controls to us currently of the province should be a little bit easily.Although northern in the province can't be like to keep belonging to general ensign ground numerous.But the total ratio south wants to be much much and had so many lands if if distributed to go out to enough alleviate annex problem in the land ……however all of these are to palliate incurable origin, besides I hope to conduct us like those big farms in the United States limited land, in my eyes at very long a period of time inside we all need to hoard the food with the occurrence that has various natural disaster and man-made calamity.Wanting ~only the government food within hand is several, that is fluently regardless a breeze to adjust rain still the famine year view, we can't fear, even if have that dishonest trader to dare to jump out to loot of words, we can the hard currency by hand winning make him even want pantses to lose ……"
"This problem we have already noticed, not only is a food and is like a lot of and living vitally related supplieses, such as, cotton yarn, cloth, and edible oil, and coal...etc.s to all want to be included in the government storage ground.Test writing watermark 8.However till now we are here ground the affair is so many.The complexities of the situation regardless needs everything from the first do, in this kind of government storage system only food can also follow the food warehouse of using the Manchu Dynasty have system.The rest is just still all 1 to conceive ……"quiet say.
Tan Yan says with a smile:"We need not hoped to where purchase a food from those great powers nation in Europe, they were all too busy to make proper response by themselves, you can beat to promote China-U.S. relations ground signal, halted China minister to give Ni and put forward toward the United States a food import plan stored a food first according to our demands problem solution, all otherly can put first, wait hereafter spared a hand come at solution!"
A parlance that spreads to Chinese the amount of populations is 400,000,000 people now, Chinese geography is complicated, be like circumlittoral in the province the plain that all about has equal area can be provided to open up to plant, but central part and the west the mountainous country is numerous, can the land cultivating can not compare with a circumlittoral plain region naturally, and the desert waits the influence of bad region and turned over to promote the unbalance that Chinese population distributes more.
Although circumlittoral in the province the land with big area can be provided to cultivate,the population amount undertaking is also many, be like Shaoxing to would be a very typical representative----Speak of Shaoxing nature is in order to have, its expert most rich soil weather in Shaoxing is moderate and the most suitable to match to plant, but be subjected to be limited by a land of area, the person of Shaoxing is more and more, again big of the land arrive a top in the head of everybody on the average will also become very pitiful, this forces person in Shaoxing to think a way to strive for another exit, and Chiang-Nan from thou the atmosphere of a school is vigorous and walked the route of expert to also become those private's sons that don't have good luck on the section field a quite good choice.In fact not only in Shaoxing, all include in a lot of places in China although the similar circumstance, grounds, such as Shanxi and Hunan...etc. and a lot of regions of China and the circumstance of Shaoxing have a dissimilarity, also not much difference, the only dissimilarity would was to make native son walk to ascend according to own condition and the local customs everywhere different route, even formed expert in Shaoxing at vigorous period, the fresh clear place special feature of in Shanxi wealthy person.
Tan Yan want is steady to leader and let his/her own political power keep on a stability by China of go on, food must be next move of terminal point, contact a food to can not get away from a land,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, have future generations this ages of advanced food farm crop species.400,000,000 people aren't and up more opposite than ten several hundred million grounds of huge population total amounts in China in the Tan Yan's previous incarnation memory to return to calculate what, be just the average food acre of this ages the yield equally also has no future generations so exaggerated.
Before the miscellaneous matter of local complexities of the situation has never managed to follow, Tan Yan solves the only way of food problem to would be import----The opposite in Pacific Ocean, circumstance and China in the United States are a bit exactly the opposite, there can cultivate the area of the land and the total amount of populations of the United States to compare very rich remaining, and now there is already the tendency of land concentration in the United States and start accomplishing a big farm lord, wait technically farm machinery equipments growth to get up, the big farm homework of the United States formed scale.
Economic circumstance in the world isn't good now.A lot of nations all have the tendency of economic crisis, however with Tan Yan the contents of relevant economic crisis has a dissimilarity in the middle of the previous incarnation memory, the economic crisis known by him is start on Monday from the black, after all this aspect isn't exceled by him.All countries all think to develop for the merchandise of our country new market with pass on locally a crisis, but colonize ages at this, obviously be like the United States and Germany so ground after rise a great powers nation to be placed in disadvantageous position----English method's waiting an old-brand great powers nation has already divided a world to complete, respectively be respectively forming a firm market inside the colony, the another great powers nation is very difficult from in the cent take an advantage.
At under the environment like this.Germany and the United States etc. newly arisen row Related articles:

