
Beats by Dr Dre studio o dash into don't k

Have no Ban before the body, have of to the head of Lyu Wu Ban up, face up, eye up, fierce Zhuo of hand malicious bite.Turn an eye, Lyu Wu Ban is rounded by the bird Qiao one regiment.
Once Qin Da Dun Yuan see, world unexpectedly like this unusual happening, really went crazy, all went crazy, this age be really even the sparrow is also crary.Lyu Wu Ban cans be protected a face, eyes with the arm, but been to see not pure road, has to stand motionless and allows it to tore to bite at this time.Usually more moving is by this time more bad, Lyu Wu Ban is long through train to naturally realize this reason.
Qin Da Dun Yuan is from the Gua building inside fly body but, cross horseback, taking out knife in the hand.The knife light is one Shan, numerous bird Qiaos are split into two halfs.Once the bird Qiao see, more angry, scream to rush toward to Qin Da Dun Yuan.Qin Da Dun Yuan passes to cut a yataghan for one handle of Lyu Wu Ban, then back to backly huddles together with Lyu Wu Ban, 2 people carry knife to become shield and resist the aggression of bird Qiao.
Bird Qiao as if went crazy the attack that the sort starts numerous times toward 2 people, just how tooth, delicate claw is is the opponent of steel knife, two Human body side the corpse body of the very quick bird Qiao spreads full 1 ground.
The black Yan is this activity to start bird, therefore the black Yan offends the most fiercely, Zhuo of fierce, and Zhuo of most Diao, attackstone of the route Be clean to is 2 people's dead angle.That many small birds all was subjected to the boon Hui of the innumerable of plum Lin at ordinary times, food and clothing not worry, the plum Lin is grasped to walk how source of meaning to broke the food and clothing isn't hasty?At this time, kill red eye, neglect life more of upward fierce rush toward.The small bird gets up crazily, was that much more crazy, not and how can appeared small bird's business in the ground last Dou hunting dog than the person?
The black Yan screams to dash into, then starts to fly and screams again to dash into, don't know to fly to have as well how much time, and then pounded at how much time.There is several knife light wiping own feather but leading, the knife breeze makes oneself eastern to pour west slanting, but pound at of the wing didn't always and never once stop.The bird Qiao of laying siege to falls on the ground of more and more, still be less and less pounding at.Black Yan loudly the drum call and sing to have clear war song.The singing crossed cloudy regions, the plum Lin heard inside in the ear, concussion in mind, just at this time but is some way to also have no.Is unique isn't a combat, but escape, as long as oneself leaves, those bird Qiaos will end this meaningless sacrifice.
Plum Lin once the one step turn head forward to run, although oneself what also can't see, anyway also not ownly turn head, on the ground, the flowing of the sweat a drop per drop's flowing of the blood a drop per drop is in mind."Let ,down black Yan;Let ,down the friend of birds."One voice like this shouts in the plum Lin in the mind,Beats by Dr Dre studio.The plum Lin starts hating his/her own inability for the first time.
Suddenly, the black Yan sends out one to bellow and interrupts radical singing.Immediately after, the body of black Yan is only medium vacillating from the knife but, time will fall to the ground just try very hard to of start to pull, but a drop of blood is breathed to fall at ground up.Originally, the black Yan is greedy for many Zhuo personal enemies of abilities one mouthful, flew a time slowly to order, a point claw of a small the piece is rowed of the knife only pare to break and fell into dust.
No longer take the offensive after black Yan starts to fly, but a fly blunt sky, throw square toward the southeast.Those bird Qiao without black Yan fight encouraging of song, the action was slowly obvious down, had already reached not to become much threat to 2 people.2 people see the ring of encirclement that the plum Lin have been already far run, hurriedly break bird Qiao, the knife only protects a body and rushes to the war horse.Approach to fight a horse at 2 people of, suddenly spread a wolf Hao, a wolf rushes toward into, but that wolf didn't make a pounce upon 2 people, but one mouthful bite at a horse of neck up, that horse bellows a , putting of malicious life neck, just that wolf dead dies of bite at not loose, not and in a short while, that horse gradually had no energy and poured at ground up.This wolf nature is the black star that the singing that hears black Yan rushes through back.That war song arouses fierce courageously enter, the black star has a kind of instinct that listens to the voice arguing a matter naturally, know on listenning to must be take place what important event, hurriedly to return to urgently rush.The combat of bird Qiao is spoken of very long, actual took place short period of time, at this time the Lin of the plum's running still don't arrive an inside.
Once Qin Da Dun Yuan see his/her own war horse be bitten dead by the black star and can not help great anger, one knife facing the black star forehead keep cutting down.Once the black star jump a flash across and drilled underneath in the belly of another horse a while, belly horse of facing that drum drum is an one mouthful, then hurtles to go out a while again, once hid Lyu Wu Ban's knife light.That horse painful one bellows, empress the hoof connect Deng and have no Deng black star, but held up Qin Da Dun Yuan's activity.Lyu Wu Ban quickly pulls bridle, the black star rushes back again and bit on belly horse again.Lyu Wu Ban one knife the bottom go, but chop down descend black star of one bobtail Ba.Once Lyu Wu Ban see isn't way thus, hurriedly let to fight a horse to lie at ground up, so the black star could not bite its belly.Qin Da Dun Yuan but have already intercepted a black star, the knife light Huo Huo, trap black star therein.
Black star the east is blunt west Tu, but always could not hurtle covering with of knife light, and the ring of encirclement is more shrinking more small, the eye sees the knife that will die at Qin Da Dun Yuan under, the black star cans not helps feeling urgently getting up, suddenly fierce whistle a , regardless of around own knife only, on jumping but rising, facing Qin Da Dun Yuan's throat bites.
Qin Da Dun Yuan a see the black star try very hard to, but not worried, step backward a wrong, once avoided vital part, knife light suddenly the oneself Be ex- to go across, a Peng blood starts to fly, the black star is only left one the leg also fell into dust before.The black star cans not consider of ache, suddenly one mouthful bites at Qin Da Dun Yuan of knife up, tightly bite at, Qin Da Dun Yuan made an effort Ye two times, unexpectedly and absolutely still.Qin Da Dun Yuan is also hasty to get up, start to fly one feet, is kicking on the lower abdomen of black star, the lower abdomen is the place of the weakest wolf, the kick black star of start to fly half empty, the along while is like one of a calico sack"Pa" to drop at ground up, again without the breathing, just two eyes but Zheng of consumedly of, hope escapes toward the plum Lin of direction, a blood is very red before the body very red, if float at the youth before the chest the blood of that red scarf.
2 Qin Da Dun Yuan and Lyu Wu Bans rushed out surrounding of bird Qiao and killed a black star, two war horses all departed from this life one after another, empress 1 because of bleed excessive but Wu.These two war horses follow behind 2 people for several years, but one dynasties are all died to an of black star.Lost a war horse this is also a not small fault in the yataghan hall, be just at this time but not just 2 people sorrow of time .
At present, the most important nature is to make track for plum Lin, if can catch plum Lin to sign a great achievement, can not only make amends for mistake by good deeds, but also will be consumedly sealed to appreciate.2 people thought of here and keep steel knife towards hoping one eye, without previous arrangement of, the direction shoulder to shoulder escaping toward the plum Lin makes track for.
Make track for don't arrive five inside, the facing that sees a very small figure positive one step one step 2 people walk, although the step is slow-moving but is firmly matchless, two hands grip into a boxing, the resolute and firm color of one face.Is exactly the plum Lin escaping to come back again.
The sunlight after death spread in the plum Lin a long long light road, the shadow before the body pulls of grow so much to grow so much, the plum Lin exceeds each one step of , all be like and step the whole earth ring, again go toward after death seeing of the plum Lin, there is three branch roads, spreads on each branch road full sunlight.
The singing of the black Yan, the fierce Hao of black star, the plum Lins all listen to at ear in, touched in the at heart.The step that the plum Lin escapes is more and more heavy, have how much of living to work properly at for the sake of oneself but neglect life and death of the bath of blood courageously fight and have how much of bird Qiao's knowing perfectly welling a way to dash into is death, but proceed without hesitation of hurtled into, for the sake of give enemy which afraid is result in the injury of a little, even just for canning oppose very small countercheck of person for a while, the black star is only a wolf, and is a three leg wolves, has already thrown for the sake of oneself but death, oneself how again ability unfeeling independence flee for life, should come of head quarter come of, ignore is living is dead make us face together, being the person should right friend, which afraid just a small bird, a head of is three leg wolves.
Two human faces of Qin Da Dun Yuan, Lyu Wu Ban toward to step by step walk to come of the short small figure, suddenly feel a strongly and work properly an interest to rush toward noodles since then, make people can not pause for breath.Although 2 people didn't distinguish the skill of working properly the interest,2 people are long through battlefield, oneself have a kind of wild beast sort of intelligent, this works properly an interest to is that so strong, what to bring is 1 kind how of pressure!How will the such a very small body send out to thus and strongly work properly an interest?2 people involuntarily stopped a step at the same time, Gao raised to cut a yataghan and tightly stare at to step by step walk up of plum Lin Related articles:

