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Sushi is just standing there motionless ,staring Xiao Yu ,not live looked at him .relationresultXiao Yuimpatiently , I said ,hear ,trouble you a bit faster . , relationresultHush ! The stands were hissed ,apparently to Xiao imperial arrogance ,the students began to feel a bit uncomfortable .
relationresultHowever,the next moment ,suddenly turned into an uproar .relationresultThename does not live at Shaw Royal rice ball body ,actually suddenly appeared a fist-sized hole .relationresultBloodsuddenly overflowing, the city of mysterious master sushi ,actually even before he could move ,will become a thing of the past .
relationresultWhileXiao Yu ,all people did not see how he was moving, only to see him appear suddenly in the sushi rice ball around ,and then let him a punch through the body ,then Xiao Yu still so impatient and said , said I ,hurry ,your sister still standing here look look .
, relationresultXiao Yuvoice is not big ,but enough to clear to everyone ears .relationresultThe twenty-eighth chapter of truth , relationresultKillopponent ,in the city of market competition, is often the case ,especially in the place match .
relationresultHowever,the bully blow Xiao Yu ,make entire tourney field ,bringing thousands of people still stands ,even a pin drop can be heard .relationresultXiao Yu has sinceappeared on the market competition ,then no punches, he is always on the palms of the hands gently will opponents shoot tournament table, technique of tender ,elusive .
relationresultTherice the blow ,Xiao Yu is still neither too fast nor too slow ,however ,fist-sized hole like a great irony ,blood red blood red laughed at all steel not optimistic about Xiao Royal those students and teachers .
relationresultThe silencelasted only for a few seconds ,than the desk like fried pot ,boiling sound suddenly like to unveil the cooker .relationresultXiao Yumight not know the rice in tough ,but the city of those students and teachers ,but very clearly remember how many challenges of rice ,rice is destroyed by .
relationresultCome out to mix,sooner or later must also .relationresultAlthoughXiao Yuyi rice in boxing ,but did not immediately die .relationresultHeunbelievable bowed his head ,beats by dre pro,looked at his body on the big hole ,he suddenly let out a cry of unbelievable roar .
relationresultBut on the stand,once again issued the sound of commotion .relationresultItwas the beginning of rice has a green aura ,and wounds ,even in the shadow of green aura ,start to get a little bit of healing .
relationresultXiao Yua stern eyes ,hands immediately began setting mump .relationresultTosee you ,Xiao Yu rice ,even without hesitation begin to set their dark gods you .relationresultAnd theball body ,in less than a blink of an eye ,was completely healed up .
relationresultAnd then,suddenly appeared in front of him a shade .relationresultHe was aroyal !relationresultWhileXiao Royal expression, is in the rice face .relationresultI ,very familiar ,little friend ! , relationresultXiao Yuwas cold ,with endless killing .
relationresultInhis anger when Xiao Yu ,whole than Wu Station has started gathering clouds ,the wind four .relationresultAcity college Master of theory ,and looked up at the sky ,exclaimed, ,is actually change !On the fist fights ,is triggered by the sky mutation .
, relationresultThe teacheris evident in the city college has a high reputation ,his words ,immediately aroused around other students and the teacher .relationresultThe newsspread from mouth to mouth ,suddenly ,Xiao Yu you caused the sky mutation news has spread to all student .
relationresultWho the hell is he?While rice, who , relationresultA lot ofstudents towards than Wu Station Road and go to the registration department ,results ,the accepting and Xiao Longfei Royal crystal card bribery glasses teacher ,had already disappeared .
relationresultAll the peoplereturned to the station than the ,and then, Xiao Yuhe balls ,had started .relationresultXiao Yu estimation ofright ,the balls should ,first ,is questionable ,because he is using ,and ghost clown Ying bug rule of life you properties very similar to .
relationresultWhileXiao Yu of the dark gods strength ,and even the balls together are evenly matched, and was not accounted for much of the advantage .relationresultWell,to this ,Shaw royal heart already extremely determined ,the rice balls ,weird !relationresultEvil fist broken day ! , relationresultXiao Yu nowtook up arms slightly bent ,behind the force accumulating ,like two black hammer ,to heavy hitting .
relationresultThis isXiao Yu and other boxers maximum difference, his boxing a little like a double sword ,around the start ,making it hard to defend .relationresultThisplay ,however need than others to pay double effort and time .
relationresultOtherspractice, there are generally a fist and side boxing ,but no matter how agile boxer ,are unable to hide or deviation .relationresultHowever,Shaw is royal ,two fists are practicing .
So ,than those actually Danlian a hand of the person ,pay double efforts .relationresultAt the outsetin Feiyun City ,Xiao Yu major legs ,but is later told him, the human body ,the greatest potential ,is in the upper torso ,Xiao Royal a world without war ,is pure * * * * practice ,so for life, than this world to be accurate to say .
relationresultXiao Yu decisivelyabandoned his training for more than a decade of legs ,the practice of fists ,and received the effect .relationresultSeeShaw Royal broken day fist attack to the rice balls ,even with a sneer ,sound very light ,but enough to hear Xiao yu .
relationresultThe face IXiao Yu ,but also can support large ,have a death wish !relationresultXiao Yuheart not by anger, boxing fight color again thick three points ,did not leave any room for .
relationresultBattlefieldsituation, vary from minute to minute .relationresultRice moved ,his robe suddenly fly up .While a vigorous you irresistible from robe in mase out ,instantly throughout robe surface .
relationresultWhileXiao imperial fist fight in his robes ,powerful demons of Tekken force ,even if Niniu heavy sea ,force is immediately removed .relationresultAnd then,rice has said , whatever you have much power, in front of you ,there is no attack .
, relationresultXiaoYuning heavy look ,heart thought hundred revolutions ,the balls you attribute is extremely strange ,just healing ,apparently Ying bug rule of life force ,but this moment you attribute ,even a bit like Longfei road and he said the martial god, the guardian of the guardian third .
relationresultWhile theballs with a sneer ,the initiative, the body suddenly burst into white you shine, Xiao Yu was a surprise .relationresultThis unityou very familiar with ,is actually Longfei white tiger fight .
relationresultIs clonedfighting skills !!relationresultXiao Yumind suddenly wake up, the onigiri identity has obviously, he must be the devil Jinrou people one ,and his fighting skills ,and the Ying insects very interlinked ,is copied another ability ,and their use .
relationresultSince so,Xiao Yu heart made up his mind ,no reservations, saw him fight started dark fast drum .relationresultNot a little while,and reached the peak of his .relationresultThedark clouds in the sky ,at the moment has become black and red ,like blood in general .
relationresultSpectators on the standsare seeing ,except for a few brave stay on the seat continued to look at other people ,already a gushing ,withdrawal than Wu station .relationresultWicked
flame Fentian ! , relationresultBlackyou like flame ,even from Xiao imperial body burned up ,and Xiao Yu now hair calm is automatic ,black Mage Armor was slightly streamer began to Related articles:

