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The affair met behind, all originses have relation with this runt to fasten, and there is still the secret of surprised sky of one on this runt body, otherwise that evil monster will directly kill to come up of, in no case will make me leave for the first time.
Affirmation is such, cloud soars a point to nod, "red elder generation dragon knew, you saw to still help me".
"Hum, you are this boy, now that know, I help you, we can provide energy for you and probably make you avoid his to make track for to kill to pour is can, but you still keep wanting to seek a ng evil monster of a female x ì for him, however this can also point out for a while, you see how you did", red corner of mouth dragon lightly the ch ō u move to say.
"Is good", cloud's soaring now is to have no way, unless oneself breaks out his/her own cards in the hand, otherwise can't win victory, but once breaking out cards in the hand, in case of meet again when not solve.
"The boy remembered, ate a Qian to grow one Zhi and didn't be so reckless next time", red dragon with old look shape, Zhang Kou says, "then depend a southeast side not there is a city in distance, it is said that that the castellan of inside is a female x ì ng evil monster, you can consider for a while".
"What?"Cloud soars to hear this words, immediately once the cold sweat emit, let from bad?He immediately eyes a red, roar ground to roar a way:"Boy, takes a life".
The plop is 1, hear the voice of that evil monster, frighten cloud soared to almost hit a treetop and turned head to took a look an evil monster and left oneself still very far, the in the mind very unpleasantly says:"Roar what roar, you think your throat m é n is big and then can sell to sing, Ye have no money give you, don't make track for Ye".
Roar an after, that evil monster eyes keep staring at cloud being dashing away soar, the whole body form again the acceleration made track for pass by.
"My mama ah, so quick", cloud soars see behind of speed more and more quick, hence also used to eat the i land productivity spirit of n ǎ to run, the whole individual disappears very soon in the evil monster in the moment.
Come over for a long time, carefully feeling for a while distance, "H'm, have already could not felt the breathing of that evil monster, at present can come to a stop".
Cloud soared to tinily loosen tone and saw a very small lake in the distance, by the lake still have a flock of wild deer is drinking water stroll, the whole personal figure is one Shan, immediately beat a dizzy wild deer, other wild scared deer in succession to escape everywhere.
Expertly lights a fire since the shelf and give° the wild deer to dissect pure clean, start roasting a wild deer, the part is vacillating wild deer, part upwards noodles Sa wear oneself collect of various spice, have never in a moment started to float a burst of r ò u joss-stick, it is to keep drooling to looking at cloud to soar, soliloquize ground to say:"All have no oneself to roast r ò for a long time u, , true joss-stick".
Bomb a ly, when cloud soars to prepare to open to eat, the distance spreads one huge ring, frighten once he jump, for a while, the tiny feeling's face s è immediately becomes very difficult to see and keeps calculating in the brain, considers and suddenly and loudly calls a way:"Not to".
The whole personal figure is one Shan, and then continues to go forward to the city of that southeast, mumblingly say in, "I feel not in the right, red dragon why always say to that city inside just safe, so that's why, that evil monster can track to own position, not afraid oneself with throw, see come from personal lazy is to don't go, red elder generation dragon already all all arrange well, oneself can according to his do", cloud soars face s the è is very upset, "oneself tests of the deer r ò u, that is oneself the hu ā is many was all not willing to give up to use before of adjust to anticipate".
"Hum, escaped for him again, ignored you escape faraway places, your destiny only has a , that is killed by me", Song Song nose, seem to smell arrive what things similar, evil monster toward just cloud soared the position of roasting the deer r ò u to walk in the past and looking at to just test good deer r ò u, immediately the face s è became very happy:", The r ò of the good joss-stick u, have never thought unexpectedly cheapness I".
With hand will that just at the deer r ò u on the fire shelf to lift, also not afraid up roast of the oil of heat, another hand is made an effort of on tearing off, Zhang Kou ate to go for a while toward the empress tu ǐ .
"Unexpectedly this boy in addition to what person saw is a little bit more easy on the eyes outside, it is quite good to roast the r ò u effort to pour" ruthlessly ate severals again and looking at the r ò of in front u, that evil monster face s è suddenly became very strange, a voice with strange is from his belly there spread out, morrow hand in of roast r ò u give still at ground up, looking at the direction that cloud soars distance to loudly roar:"Your mankind of this y ī n insurance unexpectedly dares to put poison in on the deer r ò u, I don't want to tore you not to become next time".
Close behind that evil monster skill Wu lives belly, twos are red, a breathing beginning of the black s è is from his body inside break out, there are some black breathing of s è unexpectedly mixing up with a little bit some starlight, very dazzling.
Along with the starlight of exclusion more and more, the whole space shows to order in the black s è a little bit bright, very beautiful, that evil monster Zhang Kou shouts loudly a way, "explode for me…………".
Bang of a , one is huge to ring, imitate the deep-fried y à o of several Buddhas to explode similar, arouse the earth shivering of a burst of.
"Depend, this bedlamite and then at stem what?", Turn head the forest of lookinging at the one slice to encounter trampling upon of huge strength, woods in imitate a Buddha to put without a cake of.
Cloud's soaring still don't live to beat one cold Zhan, looking at a not far city, finally let go of heart, the whole personalization made quickly passing time and quickly arrived the city m é n.
"The future halts…………".
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Chapter 805 escapes
Cloud soars one depressed, looking at the evil monster of distance, looking at him ferocious facial expression, have already slowly started thinking that oneself walks to come over, the in the mind immediately regrets to cannot compare with, if oneself earlier solve him also can't have these Be getting more troublesome.(-)
"Old good heavens, you this is the punishment to me", cloud soars an in the mind to loudly cry piteously, if not that for the sake of the runt thing, oneself also can't so, a hand holds tight the runt of shoulder and prepares to put into own bosom, but suddenly discovers, this thing imitates a Buddha to glue similar on own body, how also take not to come down.
Cloud's soaring an in the mind is getting more depressed, no wonder that how just moved it to drop not to come down, so that's why, "good pair of, since you thought so so, I however strained first".
Looking at a distance disease and rush a since then evil monster, be dressed in the helmet of black s è all over, four outstanding bone stings, dark but again very clear, imitate a Buddha directly and pierce body generally, a way breathing of the black s è integrates into his body and imitate a Buddha is giving him increment energy without basis.
Cloud soars to hurriedly display green dragon 18 Shans with all strength, the whole personalization made a quickly passing time general, fly to soon make headway toward the contrary square of mountain peak, mumblingly say in, "bothered this time, imitated his speed of Buddha really Be getting quicker than me, ifing not that being apart from is farther, otherwise a short while caught up for him.
Bang of a , cloud soars whole personal super long range vacillating for a while, then continue to go forward again, turn head tiny see for a while just of place, see the big pit of a burned black, imitate a Buddha drive heat to roast general, burned black black one, also send forth in fine threads green smoke, "hiss, very nearly", the in the mind is breathtaking a , "H'm?", However seem to feel own bottom's hasing some places is cool and turn head a to see, I wipe,www.cheapbeatsbydrdreheadset.com, was unexpectedly decayed a d ò ng by the energy of black s è, O.K. had helmet to resist, otherwise estimate of the skin will be also decayed.
Cloud soars immediately face s once the è change, Zhang Kou says, "red old-timer dragon I say red elder generation dragon, , you come out a solution to break siege, if this continues, I sooner or later will hang of".
"Hum", that voice that acquaints with again thinks of in the brain again, cloud soared an in the mind to immediately send an one breath, "red elder generation dragon, I know wrong, didn't dare any further next time".
Profoundly sighed an one breath, red Long Zhang Kou said, "this time really is your not to, the lion fight a rabbit, also is to go all out, besides here dangerous layer after layer, you unexpectedly such gist".
"I know wrong", cloud soars brain in don't aware of self before ground remember do somely, seem to be after meeting the little animal on the shoulder of oneself, oneself becomes easy to excite, and still cans not control own viewpoint around around unclearly.
The in the mind is tiny tiny on moving, " is have relation with this guy?".
Unite again to give it a bit of thought previous that evil monster to treat his/her own attitude and see his/her own look in the eyes, seem should Related articles:

