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Global summit joint spring member in all participating countries summit under the authorization message .relationresultLadies and gentlemen, please do not for the game with realistic disconnected things feel panic ,we are here to events were simple explanation .
relationresultFirst of all,we want to say is ,the reality will face a severe climate disaster !This ,if a disaster response is not good,beats by dre studio hd, the human destruction also is not impossible .After scientists long time secret research ,we found a can effectively escape the disaster plan ,under the plan .
Human in the face of this climate disasters, Peng was scheme for human survival ,but the plan has a lot of defects ,it is not possible to simultaneously account for all humans global wide !That is to say .
Even with this scheme ,or a large part in the human will die !relationresultTo this end,we spend huge amounts of money to design second sets of solutions ,that is to set up a virtual world ,let people into the world of refuge .
In theory, this scheme is more suitable than the first set of programmes from climate catastrophe ,but this .It can cater for all mankind .Long time thinking and consciousness from the human body and human body from freezing .
For children and older people ,like poisonous things in general ,not suitable for their use ,and for those who don ,do not adapt to the virtual world of young people as well, in the virtual world for a long time, their mental problems will occur .
So ,finally only will you love the people in this world had thrown into this world .relationresultAs for whenyou can return to reality .This is an unknown problem ,time may be a few months ,may also be a few years ,but can guarantee is .
When the reality of climate disaster degree after, you can immediately return to reality !As compensation ,we in the real world has prepared a rich reward, when you came out from the second world ,according to your achievement value .
can obtain your corresponding compensation !relationresultHere achievement value ,do a little explanation .Achievement value with a personal wealth ,equipment quality and quantity not big relations .
In simple terms ,achievement value is you to others has caused .For example, wealth ,you pass the influence of one part person received a large fortune ,in access to wealth in the process, you will gain achievement value ,but the wealth itself does not increase the value of your achievements ,you will treasure out, to influence others ,your achievement value will increase .
And if you are in a period of others influence ,achievement value will decrease .relationresultThis is theglobal leader in all the Joint Committee of heads of state jointly make a serious violation of international human rights law decisions ,you of all people in the world from this out, will we have to court the power ,we believe enough in the Atlantic undersea prison sit for one thousand centuries .
relationresultFinally,I wish you a happy game , relationresultInformationreleased after Zhuo ,achievement value system officially opened ! , relationresultAfter thesystem announcement ,Xiao Hua open the properties panel .
Saw a new achievement value , attribute .relationresultAt this time,Xiao Hua at the corner of two moving shadow ,and Zhou Xiaorou appears in succession .Two people looked a little pale ,apparently to this sudden change is not fully accepted .
relationresultAre you okay.Xiao Hua saw it ,a little worried .relationresultHomelessness andZhou Xiaorou are slightly shook his head ,their brain is still digesting the network sees notice system .
relationresultXiao Huabenis a fairly casual guy ,days off can also be when the quilt cover ,in this area than two people think much to drive ,this time I think there is no any role .We simply do not want to transient chaos has accepted the basic reality .
As for the homeless and Zhou Xiaorou ,they recovered slowly ,guidance, also won .relationresultXiao Hua thought,then aside quietly waiting for it .relationresultXiao Hua ,where are you ? , relationresultBut suddenly,Xiao Hua had received a private chat, a look down, it is condensing the girl !The girl is a square figure in the other city for you, how in the snow town ?relationresultBut thistime ,Xiao Hua also did not think too much .
Immediately looked around ,back to the information in the past : South City warehouse number 7 right ten meters . , relationresultDon ,wait for us . Method of condensate point be puzzled .
relationresultWell, I don you do not worry, slowly . Xiao Hua tried to comfort .relationresultFang Ningposition seems not far from him .After two minutes ,sitting on a carriage side coagulation had to .
From the carriage down ,and with a cold ,for example setting short height two ,appearance and coagulation somewhat like small beauty .Xiao Hua saw it ,she is immediately recognized party .
Fang Ying shape than a year ago ,thin, but no party setting said thin like that much, just look slimmer .Whereas party a blank face in shadow in saw Xiao Hua appears after a little doubt .
Subsequently recognized Xiao Hualai ,cold face suddenly appeared a pleased look .relationresultFang Ningyi sawXiao Hua ,immediately non .Like an octopus around him .relationresultAweek in the still and thinking, this time sees this circumstance not by a corrugated .
relationresultUm ,people afraid of you . See Xiao Hua ,party setting become completely with mature looks extremely inconsistent child .relationresultWell ,don ,first down ,so many people watching .
Notice several woman eye jab at him, Xiao Hua felt a lot of pressure ,quickly shook party setting said .relationresultNo ,they like to see how to see ! Party coagulation had on Xiao Hua ,immediately seeing him standing two .
Very strong beautiful woman ,the heart a sense of crisis Sheng ,immediately by female friends .Even said ,is there also is not considered on the side .relationresultobedient ,first down .
, relationresultSidecondenser extremely reluctant from Xiao Hua to slide down .But still held Xiao Hua hand ,relationresultJianshibumiao Xiao Hua,rushed four slightly mutual introduced .relationresultXiao Hua ,I have something to tell you .
Introduction finished ,Zhou Xiaosang was finally made the decision ,a solemn voice said .relationresultXiao Hua?Is it Xiao Hua ,but her attention soon into the ran back to say ,this time .
She will say no small thing .relationresultWhatXiao Hua is a little numb ,this time, no matter what seems less appropriate .relationresultPartycoagulation has rough on Xiao Hua .As long as this week woman say something to her immediately ,Xiao Hua should be investigated and deal with sb !relationresultI want to go to other city ,go to ! But few people expected to peripheral soft said .
Why ,now this state should go together ,not good ?.Wandering is not clear ,she felt Zhou Xiaorou seems to be because Xiao Hua around the Fang girlfriend appeared before the sudden decision .
relationresultI want to borrow some money from you .I have a brother and a sister ,they are also in the game, I know they are in which city ,but they do not know that I have in this game ,I must go look for them .
Week set a interpretation .Look pale .relationresultFewpeople could not help hesitated, then a moment of silence ,this time is not what people are more important than family .relationresultNo problem ,you have to go to which city ? A brief pause ,Xiao Hua nodded ,offered Zhou Xiaorou a transaction request ,then asked .
relationresultMoonlight City Oh ,not so much Zhou Xiaorou accepted the application ,see Shaw Huafang one million gold coins ,I cried out .relationresult.You get there is to spend money ,later had to repay me , relationresultZhou Xiaorouthought, no longer refuse . Related articles:

