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Room :a room is special .And hundreds of years ago some data comparison ,and Ke Lin study of defensive magic extreme .relationresultIn thestorage room in the great hall, we also found a hidden can initiate a portal device .
After repair ,the study found that want to start this portal ,need some very special dark energy .relationresultWe werejust looking for some dark energy items can open the portal, but the numerous items experimental down ,there is no way .
Until one day ,in the castle at a common place ,I found a page from Ke Lin notes ,the notes described open portal solution .As Ke Lin said .She put a defensive magic basement completely sealed up ,when needed and used his body as a medium, the black fog weather ,let the body with dark energy ,in order to open the portal .
relationresultWestudied for many years ,still can not find the human body with black fog contains dark energy approach .Only temporarily put it aside .Ke Lin is a person to come up with such a method ,is really a hundred-percent genius ! Hassan said again praise .
relationresultAndhearing this ,Xiao Hua is know .He is able to open the portal, but that night at the black flowers absorbed the black fog weather, dark energy ,while in the morning seems dark flower absorption energy disappeared ,then he restored the original appearance ,but in fact black flowers absorbed energy did not disappear completely .
Then borrow possessed state gives out ,the result is coincidence with the opening of the portal .relationresultBut a year ago ,we free camp and the bright group received a message hidden in the dark ,dark camp those guys ready to again ,and prepared to attack Alan again ,Alan continent bright camp unions nature is not watched human city occupied, he made various countermeasures .
After nearly a year of investigation ,the light side is dark camp leader O location .As long as I can kill him, dark factions can collapse of itself ! Mrs Hassan continued .relationresultDarklight ,free ,three camps ?Hassan, what are the main task !relationresultMain task!Xiao Hua hearts burst agitation !relationresultAccording to our information ,the light side of people prepared to release task ,called the hand to the O for him .
Destroy O ,hand to stop the dark cabal expansion, on the other hand is the glory ,if which union broke up O ,union will expand quickly development !relationresultWe areassassins union with Alan continent unions were different ,there is no real occupation ,is only an .
Part-time ,if O was our assassin union killed, the assassin union become the mainland Alan VII Union also point the day and await for it !But we are assassins Union both human and material resources ,can with those unions ,to kill the O ,can only think of another a tricky approach .
relationresultAfter mucheffort ,in not long ago, we found a gift of light .Box ,box contains a tremendous light energy ,as long as the O life is a deficiency ,in his side a meter to open the box .
You can instantly kill him !relationresultButthis box contains a light energy is too strong ,ordinary people with ,but have not approached the O ,he will be aware of, and then becomes his target .
We want to use it ,only to find a method to eliminate Ogata ,a dark energy people ,with his body covered in dark energy box light energy will have a hope of success .relationresultThe castle isjust the storage chamber portal also needs a special dark energy to open ,we simply take the chance to find .
But the search for a long time, there has been no suitable candidate ,until you come . Mrs. Hassan said with a smile .relationresultIf I can .Please let me to do this task ! Hassan are very long .
But Xiao Hua is understood ,he wants to take on mainline mission although not bright camp six unions ,but the main task ,even if the assassin union .Reward must not low !relationresultWould you accept the job, was really too good .
Mrs. Hassan was very pleased and said .relationresultCan I ask ,this .Task is what reward? Or he could take a part of the award to me the strength I really like .Ten the life is weak to liver .
If no fried chewing is four ,even if Ojala didn me,cheap beats by dr dre, in the confusion, I find it difficult to approach him ,when I die, I waste all the previous efforts . Xiao Hua has his eyes, it is very difficult to say .
relationresultoriginally thought, if you are willing to accept the task ,can indeed take part task reward to you . Mrs. Hassan was surprisingly good .relationresultHopefully!It is that the report .
His Chinese is not good .relationresultWell ,this is the task of content ,this is the light of .And prior to prepare your equipment ,believe that in times of crisis can greatly improve your chances of staying alive ! Hassan nodded with satisfaction ,then handed two items .
relationresultSystem hint:you accept free camp mainline mission destroy o !relationresultDestroy theO :in bright group team ,such as O life less than being very short ,with the light of the O eradication ,after the completion of the task you will get extremely generous incentives !relationresultThe system prompts:you get items of light !relationresultYourpraise :a ;magic box ,the box actually contains a frightening force of light ,is dark energy of absolute nemesis !relationresultThe system prompts:you get items shadow shoes !relationresultShadowshoes second artifact task items :can make equipment like the shadow Activity Walker ,let a person is not easy to find ,and has a strong defensive ability ,but only thieves and assassins to play the maximum efficacy of double rare shoes !relationresultAttribute:physical defense .
, magic defense ,edge !relationresultFitnessmillion 0 , relationresultForce tenwitch , relationresultAgile tenadditional skills: Shadow walker ,ghost !relationresultShadowWalker passive :stealth ,by the eye of truth ,such as eagle eye break stealth skills in reconnaissance ,Shao node chance to avoid the other side of the reconnaissance !relationresultGhost:use this skill, will enter the ghost next state ,the first attack .
Figure body will be turned into three ghost .A ghost will be marked characters from randomly divided into in the midst of a ghost .If the mark of the afterimage ,attacks will be invalid !Afterimage state lasts for 3 minutes ,resulting in a utility state disappeared ,skills cooling time min !relationresultSeeshadow shoe attribute ,Xiao Hua !What was he the whole task ignored .
The main task was awarded a double artifact shoes !While the shoes attributes, is allergic to make one !relationresultWithout thinking,Xiao Hua will shadow the shoe cover on the body !relationresultYou on this award also satisfied ? Mrs Hassan asked with a smile .
relationresultSatisfied.Absolute satisfaction ! Looking at the big increase attributes, Xiao Hua smile in his face and said .relationresultIn order to assassinate unions development .We will trade union most valuable things are taken out .
You want to take this shoe ,nature had to finish the task ,if a failure or Ojala was the remaining union man destroyed ,this pair of shoes, we will in the first time to recover ! Hassan apparently afraid Xiao Hua negative task ,immediately on the side hit precautionary needle .
relationresultOf course.For this pair of shoes ,I certainly will try their best to complete the task ! Xiao Hua said he take an oath devoutly ,but this Habla Mi Corazon ,who dare to stop Related articles:

