
beats by dre solo to just into the tim

…You can't don't even recognize the bedrooms of oneself's home of."


Chen Xiao has already in a twinkling risen.Later incarnation body such as a burst of breeze general Lue past.Drew back door to hurtle to go out.

Outside in the door.The long gallery that indeed as expected is no longer just come in.Probably was JOKER to use spatial ability to change passage again.

Outside in the door is a stairs.Woody arm-rest.Snow-white wall.

All of"house" that everythings here all resided with F in childhood are similar.

The end of hallway contains two an among those in door.What Chen Xiao recorded's knowing very much is exactly parents' bedroom of of square.

Chen Xiao quickly hurtles to|.The hand has already grasped a doorknob hand.But suddenly hesitant.

His in the mind is a burst of'falsely.There is concussion that have been already feared.

When he hesitates.JOKER from after death walked.Stretched out a hand.Grasped Chen's hand from a side.Then lightly turned a doorknob hand.

The door lightly pushes away.The plank of the teak of deep color.The window is bright.The wall is the green tone of Noan-noan.One is soft of big bed up.One is quiet woman to lie over there.Hands 10 cross to put before chest.The hair meekly covers with to spread on the snow-white pillow.Chen Xiao the first sees to pass by.Eyes inside immediately fell in tears.

He closed lightly purse one's lips.


The mother's looks,such as oneself, recorded in childhood of one beauty.From the looks.Oneself inheritted the mother's beauty.Own eyes are specially like a mother.

The mother lies where.Imitating Buddha soundly asleep is general.Eyelid the last eyelash is long to grow.The skin is clean.Don't know in the memory how much time.This eyes ever and so softheartedly stared at their oneselfs.

Chen Xiao kneels at before the bed.'Make moves.Touched touch maternal cheeks.Then he quickly changes countenance.Become overdo:"She.She.She why."

He in finally didn't speak a "dead" word.But is hesitated for a while:".For|lifeless characteristic."Yes.There is no heart palpitates.Don't breathe.Even the motion of out of heart consciousness.

Lie at the woman on the bed.Like die.

JOKER stands on the doorway.His facial expression also has gloomy one silk:"This.It is her own meaning."

Chen Xiao knits the brows:"You are saying what."

There is some light yins in the JOKER air:"Do not you understand?Her request"depart from this life" by herself her doesn't want to"bring to life"."

He is smiling.But the smiling face is puckery:"When she for the first time the whole laboratory all to burn down after.I was very quick and then saved to live her.Even pass a material revivification.I still make her have a liking for to go to younger and beautiful.But after she wake up.But have already changed."

"Change of how?"Chen Xiao anxiously asks a way.

"Kid.Your mother.She.Hate me."

While speaking from the JOKER the word " hate".Even Chen Xiao all deeply feels that his silk in the tone is desolate.

"While waking up she.I tell her.I saved to live her.No matter how she die.I have way to let her to bring to life.Her then reaction makes me some surprised.She seems to have no very excited.Have never yelled to shout loudly.Even didn't condemn me.Don't shed tears.But is that kind of look in the eyes.Is already despair deeply she asked me words"| the Yao wants to save to live me"."

JOKRE looking at|Xiao.His tone is very difficult:"Do you think that how should I answer?I am so like all husbands in the world.Toward your mother my wife to say"because I love you.So I want to save to live you."

Then.She saw my one eye.Look in the eyes like that.Even make me have a kind of felling that she has already departed from this life.

She looking at me.Say to me"but I don't love.I hate you."

Don't create noisy disturbance,beats by dre solo.So quiet of.Lightly of a words."

While making reference to here JOKER.Suddenly hang smiling face on his face.But smiling face like this.But was full of desolate flavor.

"I can save to live her.Talking about her is how to die.Which afraid she powder body ground bone.I have way to restore material.Even I can make her become the most beautiful beautiful the youngest appearance in 18-year-old time.I can attain ……but.After she live come over.She didn't love me.She hates me.This.I but incapable is dint."

JOKER eye gradual of some remnants come:"Still just.In the outside.Pu Lin Si sneers at me.He says.Isn't the absolute being all-powerful?Am I how to answer?

Yes.That's right.The absolute being isn't all-powerful either.At least.I can not make your mother re- love me.I can not make her don't hate me.

I.Can control to living.But.I beyond control feelings ……"

The rush that the JOKER breath suddenly changes.This a moment.The appearance of his facial expression some infirmities.He lightly of press the position of he's heart.Imitate a Buddha to smile.Imitate again Buddha is crying.

"You know.Most most absurd of is what?I can not make her love me.But more painful BE.I even can not make me stop loving her by myself ……if I can not love her.So I need not Be getting more painful.But it happened that this.I also attain ……

So.I.Is a……I can not I fall in love with of come to love me ……Ha ha ha ha ha.My kid.You feel.Is this regarded as exquisite irony?"

His smiling face more and more of remnants and peculiar.End.This"absolute being" stretches hand to hand wall.Looking at Chen Xiao.The corner of mouth takes one silk cruel:

"Now.Return to just into the time in"house" .I ask your first question.My kid-you think.What is the love ?"

The text chapter 298 【exquisite irony 】 (next)

"If my in front is a mountain, I can flick to it and yell 1'go away'!Then I can easily of move it to walk.If is one sea, I can raise a pair of arms to it and shout loudly 1'separate'!Then can be like the Moses in the legend over Egypt separately the Red Sea is similar to let sea water separate!

But, is facing for a chemisette time, I can not yell 1 to her'love me', then she will love me-I can not do it this, I ain't likely to come out her heart Pou, then engrave my name in the top.

Even, be painful of time, I can not make I happy-I can control my own heart palpitates, control the frequency and speed of the heart palpitates, even I can control my own breath, blood of fluxion.But I can not control my own felling.Is happy?Or not happy?How to control?!

Let me tell you, what is a love.Chen Xiao!

I once sneered at this phrase language, in those early years, I was ungrateful to the time of bright moon, the old farmland sought to come, he lifted a knife and hated bitterly hostility so of stared at me, queried me.I once sneered at him, I once disagreed as well.

When the old farmland takes bright moon at everywhere relax by taking stroll, keep in mind a spoony heart to accompany bright moon nearby several years, I once could not comprehend to this as well.

I make a study of, living creature, gene, inherit ……the etc. is the whole.I once thought that what so-called of'love', however just secreted in brain of'expected more;'Just.Help the cell transmission pulse ground chemistry material.This kind of brain endocrine is mainly responsible for a brain of and feel, deliver an excited and happy information.Love in fact be produce to expect in great quantities and more in brain;The result of function.

Want the taste of love, inject for oneself certain amount of the ground expect more;Is all right-I once thought so.Try the whole use simple of icy cold of logic or professional phrase language to explain, I can't to so-called of'love'this kind of phrase language creation what sacred of prostrate un worship of impulse.

Can afterwards, I I am getting wronger now-be your mother to thoroughly disappoint to me, no longer love me and even turn but hate me to start.

When I save to live your ground a mother.She uses so and ignores icy coldly a look in the eyes to looking at me.Being quiet must border on coldly appearance ……she says.She doesn't love me.She hates me.

Do you know what I did?

I try to make her love me!!

Yes.So-calledly'love'secrete ground a kind of chemistry composition in human body brain!It is much less.I have already asked myself to control the whole.Time.Space.Material!Everythings all control at my ground in.

I can with ease operate her ground body.Even interference she ground brain signal.Stimulate her ground brain to secrete certain quantity ground to expect more;.Stimulate her ground.Stimulate her ground exciting degree Related articles:

