
monster beats tus and demons a

He is not, then let Yuqing reality down .relationresultYuqingreality show, came to the ceremony each school and family is to see ,after all, according to age ,Yuqing reality but their predecessors ,the Shushan swords send Excalibur ,Cihhang vegetarian static sea god ,two people with their disciples came to visit jade Qing reality ,although is looked at jade jade Qing reality behind the hole ,but it is not what to say .
relationresultNext,Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng with children to see Qin Yu Qing reality ,Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng is also said nothing, just looks extremely ugly and dark ,and in the process, Kong Yu is met an acquaintance ,this person is Qin Shaoyou ,he was practicing to refine refined gas nine days is about to enter the operation of God realm, this lets Kong Yu move surprised some, it seems that the Qin Shaoyou qualification is also not bad, otherwise will not be with Qin Shihuang Ying Zheng .
relationresultSubsequent holea descendant of Kong Li in the lead down to Yuqing reality ,in salute ,Kong Li is no go back ,but to Yuqing reality said , Yu Qing reality ,you Kunlun pie but famous family honest ,decent leaders how we ,and Demons demons outside door mixed together ? , relationresultThe lastthing Kong Li created ,he combined the Qin and lose ,and the hole in the last thing is the loss of the most serious ,had no previous strength ,if not for the holy land with five rows of cut hole array guardian ,I today the gate will be killed ,so Kong Li for Kong Yu is very serious ,of course ,Kong Yu Kong Li for the arch-criminal is also very hate .
relationresultKong Yuis the grandson of the external door because Shi potian relationship ,coupled with a large family of three killed so many people ,Beats by Dr Dre Pro,so naturally heterodox doctrines ,as leader of the Kunlun pie is a natural right and heterodox doctrines should not be mixed together ,hole vertical what is caused by the other faction ,all people the vision is to concentrate in the jade Qing reality and Kong Yu, have a look how they explain .
relationresultJustbefore Yu Qing a human voice ,stand in the back of the Xiangliu is suddenly broke out, though the Xiangliu was restored to power ,but that such as deep as hell momentum is suddenly broke out, the overwhelming towards Kong Li ,and various other martial art person press in the past .
relationresultBe the first to bear the bruntof the Kong Li ,was Xiangliu that huge momentum suddenly oppression he is retreated a few steps ,and a blood is sprayed out ,stand after the hole set with shock at the Xiangliu ,his strength ,is actually being light with momentum to wounding ,then this person the strength of a horrible ,hole made some unimaginable .
relationresultTheXiangliu hate most is that claim right person, and he is an authentic Malay blood, with the Terran nature is not much good, if not for Kong Yu would not let him anything ,so now hole vertical already is a corpse ,not just by his imposing manner .
relationresultDistributed in apowerful momentum ,overthrew the presence of people ,the Xiangliu slowly recovered their mana ,the huge momentum gradually disappeared ,and then stood behind Kong Yu, this action for all Menpai people are shocked ,because they are all can see, so bad man is actually Kong Yu ,this makes Shushan sword school ,hang vegetarian static head face shocks and thoughts look ,while the other three family faces is more ugly .
relationresultYuqingreality and Huaan in the Xiangliu suddenly erupted when general mana ,heart is extremely shocked, but their shock is not the Xiangliu mana so tough, but the Xiangliu so powerful mana but he into strength ,if he returned to full power, then will be how tough ?relationresultYuqingreality under the pressure of his heart ,heal my shock mood ,and then looked into the hole ,was very calm to Kong Li said , Kong Li ah ,I should do it backseat driver ?Taking advantage of this opportunity today I just stated ,Kong Yu is my Yuqing disciples, who would henceforth and Kong Yu as an enemy ,and that enemy .
, relationresultOriginally,because of Kong Yu identity ,Yuqing reality is not used during the school public relationship between him and Kong Yu ,after all this to Kunlun pine effect is not good, but now to see the big witch Xiangliu terrorist strength ,plus Kong Yu one in a million qualification ,the future world will be Kong Yu ,in order to give the Kunlun sent bets ,Yuqing reality that determines discloses the relationship between him and Kong Yu .
relationresultKunlunpie mysterious Mako to Yuqing real words, just wanted ,but timely stop the footsteps ,because he was at that moment to see Yuqing reality this intention ,know that it is for the sake Kunlun pie ,so is not to say, the default Kong Yu and Yu Qing reality of this relationship .
relationresultwant to see more ,please log on mobile phone mobile phone ,thank you support . , relationresult , relationresultThe 133rd chapter six nine Armageddon , relationresultKunlunsent chief Xuanjin Ko did not speak out ,is the default Yuqing reality and the relationship between Kong Yu ,this makes all other sects more surprised ,because this is likely to represent the demons and Kunlun send mixture ,so they all Menpai very adverse .
relationresultTo know thatalthough in recent years Shushan sword school and primary purification of both increase in strength ,but is still not shake Kunlun pie is sector first martial status ,and demons are their first major sects ,if they are both aligned words ,then the whole sector and which one is their opponents ?relationresultShushan swordsend Excalibur and primary purification in the South China Sea God ,a eye ,are showing extremely worrying look ,although the real person of Xiu is about continence ,the pursuit of heaven ,but to the pursuit of nature ,must have comprehension resources ,like it was a world full of vigour ,or is a spiritual pulse is located, is to let the real person of Xiu were competing for the object ,because only by these ,they can feel at ease to pursue law practice .
relationresultJustsector although vast ,but if the resources are limited ,all schools are on their own don comprehension resources than his own life is also important ,is absolutely not submissively to others ,because it is their martial Heritage Foundation ,and now the sector is in a delicate balance, so these years will always live together peacefully .
relationresultButif the external door and Kunlun sent to form an alliance ,it is to break the balance of nature is so that each school ,head of the heart of a layer of concern ,but now is Yuqing reality crossing taken an important moment, they also do not say anything ,just go back to discuss countermeasures .
relationresultKong Li listened toYuqing real people, although want to say something ,but look Yuqing human eyes ,and now the home hole forces as before ,the words are not so important ,so is only hate glanced at the station in Yuqing reality back orifice jade ,then he turned back to the hole family camp .
relationresultYuqingreality at the hole set left, face was a sneer ,and a flying is to central ,ready to begin the transition taken .To know the Kong Yu story ,Yuqing reality for a long period of time heart hard, now open to Kong Yu and their relationship, although let each of the other faction to Kunlun sent suspicion ,but let Yu Qing real knot untied ,a relaxed mood ,for crossing the Armageddon is more hold out . Related articles:

