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Tell it real purpose, fear that this on guard and that Mo are cognitive, know we is after coming to kill a Mo, don't tell us the location of Mo.
"The one who trap to forbid the Mo over there?Ha ha~"the on guard suddenly roared with laughter, however laughter in more is helpless, seem to be what things to make him feeling helpless, but the but again has no dint time sky, be like me just so, get empty whole body energy, but to on guard of attack, some ways all have no.
"Probably and at last trap to forbid."The on guard soliloquizes a way, then looking at us again and swept on us several eyes after ask a way:"Do you see me being like a Mo?"
"Are you a Mo?"For the words of on guard, I am to thoroughly confuse, it isn't on guard?How have already become a Mo.
"How is the one who think Mo a person's name?Or have never seen the Mo of making the gun is be not?In this spirit forest, in addition to in addition to this Mo I, have no other Mo."The on guard towards us first to counter-question, then affirms his/her own identity with the affirmative tone again.
"Are you really a Mo,beats by dre cheap?"I still keep having some not to believe.
"That's right, I am this spirit forest inside the only Mo, you to seek me to do what?"On guard after ordering nod and then toward me to ask a way.
"The end in nightmare steppe, have one calls wing worry of spirit, we the one who come to to seek 1 to surround to forbid at the Mo here in this spirit forest, then kill off him, and bring back his corpse to him."If I directly spoke a task contents, if is on guard is really a Mo, only afraid we this task be failing.
"Wing worry!Indeed as expected is him, having never thought him hasn't died, however same he didn't can find out the tears of fairy as well."On guard as if deep in thought the ground say.
"The tears of fairy?How to is the tears of fairy again."After listenning to the words of on guard, I another time whispered, don't know the tears of that fairy exactly is what things, but what to can affirm is, anything but the tears of a drop of fairy, equally can affirm of is the tears of this fairy absolutely are a treasure thing, and is still a super treasure thing.
"Does the wing worry just make you kill me?Didn't hand over to you what things?"The on guard suddenly towards us to ask a way, unfortunately I can not see from the facial expression on its face its in the mind is just thinking what, because of on guard there is basically no facial expression on face.
"Have, he wants me to use this to kill without the feather arrows on guard, then pack corpse to return to with this bead son, if you are really an on guard, only afraid I was to have no this opportunity."I part time way, simultaneously took out that to have no feather arrows and that red and orange bead son.
"Is it all right to show me?"The on guard closed to several steps toward us.
"H'm."I ordered to nod, will have no feather arrows and red and orange bead son to hand over to color dress, let her hand over to on guard, my double feet very ache, seem to be already to break, unable to leave road, have to let the color dress deal with it.
Color dress after once connecting to have no feather arrows with red and orange bead son stand up, walk to on guard of handed over two kind products to nearby on guard in the hand, we don't worry on guard will walk these two products, even if wanting to walk didn't also relate to, anyway is a task product, at most is a task to fail just, and don't worry as well on guard will make a surprise attack to attackstone color dress, because of just it even I didn't kill.
"Ha ha~~."The on guard once connects have no feather arrows and red and orange bead son after, carefully took a look that have no feather arrows, for red and orange bead son even see don't see one more eye, then another time roared with laughter, however still keep taking to have sorrow breathing in the laughter.
"Do you want to know why this spirit forest will become so?"The on guard finishes smiling and suddenly towards us to ask a way.
"H'm."I all ordered to nod with color dresses, since the task has been hopeless, so again hear a story a nothing important problem also, at most also only waste for a little times just, and we why also want to know that the spirit forest will become this one flower sea plain, but on guard is of the life in the well of moon said how can withered?But the well of that moon run again where go to, the tree of life why left end of one stub, but isn't all disappearances again?

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The text chapter 353 spirit forest
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"Ah~~" the on guard is long long the ground sighed an one breath, then continued to say:"I was also regarded as the strong in the Mo, but still kept so looking forward to to the strength in those early years and ascended as a result being of somebody else, was cheated to this spirit forest to steal the tears of the extremely valued fairy of spirit clan.At that time my basically didn't know the tears of fairy is stem what of, knew to promote his/her own real strenght and made oneself the strongest, was this I sneaked in spirit forest together with those people, those people were responsible for to carry on a sneak attack, but I and moreover some people were responsible for the attention that draws on a spirit clan, and after being responsible for to break, result those people stole the tears of fairy, but we whole spirits that are cut up rough killed the shot ……"
"Do all shots kill?That you?"The color dress hears here, curiously conjecture an on guard.
"You think that I am still on the hoof BE?I was dead at that time, and died to have no feather arrows at this up."The on guard says and then takes that to have no feather arrows, then immediately after way:"The person who certainly shoots to kill me is wing worry, however because of our draw on and cause disturbance and also made that several to steal the successful break out of of the lachrymal person of fairy spirit forest, those spirits make track for not to ascend those burglars, and then don't know those backgrounds of burglars, hence they give°ed me to bring to life to come over again,Beats By Dre In Ear.And I after resurrection, know from the of spirit that the tears of fairy can not promote my real strenght, on the contrary is the life that relates to the whole spirit clan, oneself cautiously considers again, just know being of those people of oneself, hence I told the spirits those people's background, however is concretely scathing I don't know as well, knowing is a few skins blackish spirit, is also in the spirit clan say of dark spirit."
"The then wing worry is also the elite in the spirit clan, knew those backgrounds of dark spirits here from I with temporary abode after, immediately take a big brigade spirit elite sets out the tears of looting the fairy, however they this, fully left quite a few for a hundred years, a little news all have no.And the spirits in the spirit forest after losing the tears of fairy, started appearing to get sick, weak etc. status, the tree of the life in the spirit forest also starts withering away, but everythings of all these all because my greed with**result in."The on guard more says that the voice is more lowly, eyes inside of stone statue unexpectedly run off tears.
"Is that afterwards?How did the spirit forest become this appearance?Does that arouse the spirits?"The color dress cross-examines a way.
"After being more than ten day, the elders of spirit clan see the person whom the wing worry takes out have no 1 come back, also have no the lachrymal news of fairy, and the spirit forest have already started corrupting, hence the malicious bottom heart launches a spirit airtight method, the tree of all spirits and the life in the spirit forest consigns lives all at the treetop of this stub life, then they and the trees of those lives all quickly depart from this life, leaves the tree of this stub life, the spirit elders tell me, only the tree of this stub life is deathless, the spirit clan can't perish, as long as canning find back the tears of fairy, that spirit clan will also again return to this world, so I have been guarding the flank in this stub big tree and wait for the news of spirit wing worry, however this etc. is a quite a few a hundred years,Beats by Dre Electroplating, I also become I stone statue, become this pair appearance."The on guard says to have been tears cover the face, I don't know on guard clearly is on squating down stone statue, how can shed tears?However I can't ask out now, can in mind guess indiscriminately just by himself/herself, as for the spirits in the spirit forest, Related articles:

