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Jump to let it wants to attackstone and beats not medium, but don't attackstone,Beats by Dre BMW, that person again the time fold into dynasty he or she's eyes attack, can't have to put together to die an attack to dance indiscriminately.
"Fire wall Shu!"See disorderly dance some timeses all almost drive those nine eye demon the tiger harm, I hurriedly at he with nine eye demon of the tiger put a fire wall, although this fire wall to nine eye demon the tiger didn't hurt dint,canned availably impede nine eye demon the view of the tiger,cheap beats by dre, even if it has nine eyes and leave now eight, also can't wear a fire wall to deeply see another part of circumstance, let the disorderly dance have to evade confrontation with enough time avoid an attack.
"Roar~~" nine eye demon the tiger saw this place I this hindrance after, immediately towarded me to roar a , one regiment the huge flame shot to come over toward me, however regrettable I don't realize that flame at all and on the contrary faced up, I to the flame cape of body have confidence enough, nine eye demon the flame of the tiger is harm not arrive I ground.
"Hellish fire sea!"Indeed as expected the flame regiment of nine eye demon tigers didn't can harm me, anti- give°ed the life that I before exhaust to add back, hence I immediately appreciated its hellish fire sea, let the circumstance that it sees in the not pure ground, then I make use of absolute being to know to quickly connect its foot.
"Blue Long Mie!"I stand the foot of nine eye demon tigers after, immediately launched an attack toward nine joints on the eye demon tiger feet, nine eye demon tiger due to seeing not pure my where and that eyes that is getting blinder of the ache let it can't concentrate spirit to search me of position, drive I am near body, and still launched an attack toward its feet joint, together blue light at nine eye demon the foot Shan of the tiger rise, close behind nine eye demon tiger foot a pain, almost knelt to pour down, however O.K. it are the animal that four feet stand, just don't fall flop.
"Roar~~" nine eye demon the tiger don't fear to flame by himself/herself, and then can not find my position, so was simply to directly toward own foot to jet flame.
I take no cognizance the flame attack of nine eye demon tigers and continue toward nine eye demon the feet joint of the tiger attack, still need to evade confrontation with its to kick feet to trample at the same time, however I am still to sometimes shout a way toward the disorderly dance:"Is disorderly to dance, I attackstone here, you the opportunity to seek make a surprise attack nine over there eye demon eyes of the tiger, its eyes are weaknesses."
"Eldest brother, I also think ah, but don't go ah, this big tiger's hasing a few eyes has been staring at me, as long as I close to, it head up of that only the Cape will project thunder and lightning and make I even close to all don't dare."The disorderly dance loudly returns to way.
"That you think a way to attackstone with the long range."I loudly call way, at the same time blue Long Qiang in the hand again toward nine eye demon the tiger is before shot by me of the joint shot go.

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The text chapter 398 nine eye demon tiger(medium)
Renew time:2009-9-2319:22:59 chapter word numbers:5441

Go, moved out of the way from my top of head, jumped the scope of hellish fire sea, still continue to in the center jet to catch fire a dragon and want to burn my dead toward the fire sea in at the same time, unfortunately it still doesn't know isn't its flame only invalid, to me but also still at last greatly repairs.
"Depend, want to walk and have no a door!"I immediately toward nine eye demon the tiger made track for in the past, at present again continue at nine eye demon the foot of the tiger puts one hellish fire sea, however regrettable those nine eye demon the tiger is not stupid either, see me and put fire sea, again replace a place, with its huge body, also needs to be moved under move out of the way all of a sudden.
"Fire sea!"Nine eye demon the tiger move out of the way of I put fire sea again, be not give those nine eye demon the tiger contain a time for depending on, and at this time indiscriminately dance also not know to run where go to.
"Roar~~~" nine eye demon tiger some timeses are all forced by my fire sea after having to replace position, see I again let out the very big fire sea impedes it of view, hence didn't evade confrontation with as well, on the contrary shout at top of voice, mightiness of the hurricane is from its mouth pare off, the flame is all blown to be partial to a part, while my figure be also revealed, the huge wind force makes me also have some to lose ground at the same time, can lean against blue Long Qiang in the hand to insert an earth's surface to prop up, and eyes have already canned not open.
"Roar!"Nine eye demon the tiger finally found out our this person who likes to hide in the fire, the immediately big claw son clapped down, although I am pared off by the strong wind can't see, I knew to target nine with the absolute being early in the morning eye demon tiger, so nine eyes are bewitching the action of the tiger have never averted from my ground attention.Tend nine the eye demon pulled out blue Long Qiang to fall back 2 while tiger is clapping shot, averted from nine eye demon the huge claw of the tiger, then toward its feet joint again ruthlessly stabbed several guns.
"Roar!"Although my attack can not give nine eye demons the tiger bring how much injury, have been towarding a joint of position to attackstone, also let nine eye demon tiger this feet joint in feel repeatedly ache, the dangerous spot is a , this time what don't also spew out.But its feet was made an effort to kick to come over toward me, however I am so easily canning have no and then be kicked, lightly start to jump, on the contrary jumped its instep, holding tight its ground the feet were disorderly, used its to kick dint.Double feet one more Dian, the whole individual flew directly to and flew toward the tiger head.
"Roar!"Nine eye demon the tiger lightly roar 1, the dangerous spot opening bit to come over toward me.
"Hey Hey, the sky of Long Teng Jiu!"Fly in the sky and upward of I, suddenly acceleration, moved out of the way the attack of dangerous spot, appear at tiger head above, however body still is continuing to rise.
"The quickly passing time turns a shadow!"I suddenly ascension of the power head transfer to walk sideways, toward the tiger face shoot pass by.
"Very and only stab!"I ground the body changed into fluent to shoot to pass by toward a tiger eye.Nine eye demon tiger any further evade confrontation with not and urgently, another eyes honour sacrificed.Blue Long Qiang on the my hand almost and completely stabs into eye pupil, I of this next injury's comparing with a Tyrannosaurus, those ten several total amounts of bottoms Gao Chu is still a lot of.The injury that unexpectedly is up to 1,000,000,000, sees to me this gun not only stab blind an eyes of nine eye demon tigers, also harmed its brain in the head.
"I turn!"Do not wait nine eye demon the tiger resume to come over from the ache, I make an effort once blue Long Qiang in the hand turn and directly turn to have circle in its eyes, will it ground this eye eye thoroughly break drop, and each time turn for a while,beats by dre cheap, meeting give nine eye demon the tiger bring not small injury.
"Depend.Appreciate your one more out of the blue boxing!"See nine the eye demon tiger surplus ground nine eyes have already indignantly stared consumedly of, I also Don't mention it toward again a completely eyes appreciate one eye.Although nine eye demon tiger hasty the ground shut the eyelid of that eyes up, out of the blue strength for attack for boxing still direct beat that eyes cave go in, although this bottom hurt the attack of still not equal to Tyrannosaurus big, also beat that eyes almost blind.
At this time nine eye demon tiger also sorely two the claws clap shot to come over and want to tear to pieces I toward own head before, however I ain't stupid to not know to evade confrontation with, two feet are made an effort one Deng, the whole body flew and pulled out a sting at the same time at nine eye demon blue Long Qiang in the tiger eyes, toward outside shoot.
However those nine eye demon the tiger don't pass me, nine of its eyes also again developed a function, although being made is blind two, a half is getting blinder,still have a few eyes still stare consumedly of, will I ground the each and every move all see in the eye and see the ex- claw that I leap countermarch, clap toward oneself's head immediately transfer a direction, toward me make track for shot since then.
"Ha ha, see my ground conversing the universe!"I use the strength of pouring the power and suddenly changed a direction, toward opposite side toward going, is also returned to nine again eye demon the top of head of the tiger, let nine eye demon the ex- claw of the tiger attack shot empty, and again head empty at my in front, on its forehead of only although the Cape will send out a lightning flash, but have no the way change beat to return to oneself's head, but its mouth and then in the underneath, not and urgently lifted up head, can helplessly looking at me to close to, then hurriedly shut eyes that ascend my approach and want to make use of eyelid to impede my attack.
"Blue Long Mie!"Nine eye demon although the tiger shuts the last eyelid, but cans not holds up against my to offend Related articles:

