
cheap beats by dre the vision fell an

Way he asks this what mean, but still the answer of honesty, way:"This, can not say well, can not say, either bad, but still lead of go to."
"How about comparing eldest sister-in-law?"
The good elephant of Zhao Chu Yu really and a little bit fears to inside, secretly took a look iron Xin Ru, the way of small voice:"The surface is seen, she than I good, all actually is that I let her!"
Luo easily order nod, this just have a little logic, otherwise, how can't succeed, a men, there are no own women severe, also didn't nice day, sees their 2 people commit tomfoolery so, know feelings of 2 people's still quite good.
"Is very good!"He is a very surprised appearance, Zhao Chu Yu who see is very happy, can he is to forget a matter, now is the affair of of the utmost urgency, his old woman Niang before his eyes.
Several individuals are very quick and then make one regiment.
Male suddenly and violently this time, present medium deeply absorbed tone.The eye sees the archduke tell, he certainly loosenned tone.
But he is still easy of too early, don't say Luo is easy they, is handsome pottery Tang, seem to be also to have the appearance to begin.
Handsome pottery Tang is saying with Zhao Qun Yu's low voice what.
Have no gold Hui in fact several individuals shared some people for them on the side, do they still really want fee very big time!
But male suddenly and violently seem don't see these people in the eye.
Now 24 special envoys nearby, also rest 30 people are or so, and mostly hanged not light wound, these people start knowing frightened.
An eyes are very red, however, on the hand have no much strength for aggression, all slowly backed out.Male suddenly and violently didn't also let his/her own under charge chase, he knew the dog is hasty will also jump a wall, much less these people.
Stopped down gradually, male suddenly and violently list once the hand flick, 24 special envoys look still very tidy, neatly accepted a hand.
Male suddenly and violently saw these people's one eye chillily, way:"Is each, old man also not is what delicious of fruit, want to gain without labour, looked impossible, 《 have no byroad 》right here, who want of, though make moves, at under all immediately after."Say, the vision turned to pass by to Luo easily handsome pottery Tang.
Easily several individuals of Luo's imitating a Buddha don't see a sort, still have over there said to smile of, have no reaction to the at present affair.
But handsome pottery Tang a little bit accepted to can not stand, he was also a person with not lousy pride, obviously challenged to this kind of, certainly couldn't eat him that set of.
Zhao Qun Yu stood out very tactfully, the vision fell an everywhere dead person, and the Ze Ze has the way of voice:"The very hot means of male elder generation, so many people all next of hand."
Male suddenly and violently chilly way:"I know you and have no for the boy for teaching, you but defy spirit,cheap beats by dre?"
Zhao Qun Yu Yi changes and knows his identity, and directly his ordered to come out, is still a first time.
The reaction seen male suddenly and violently, his facial expression again is on changing, the heart bottom secretly turned several turns, he but be worried that oneself exposed, but saw others all vision particularly lookinging at of Zhao male suddenly and violently those papers in the hand, the political ability slightly let go of heart, the smiling of Hey Hey is two, way:"Male elder generation well big of tone, seem 《 have no byroad 》is already you generally."
"You say be not?"Male suddenly and violently the corner of mouth is one Pie, have a little despise of looking at him, a cock-a-hoop appearance.

The text chapter 24 has no crack to change(bottom)
Renew time:2009-10-2017:10:54 chapter word numbers:6470

"BE be not, have no till the last, who said all not to calculate."Zhao Qun Yu seemed to want to encounter with male suddenly and violently and sallowly said, a pair of eyes imitated a Buddha to eat male suddenly and violently.
" You!"Male suddenly and violently certainly can't see them in the eye, so how many persons, he is still true have no how last heart, more important, he knows what somebody this guy is, certainly, his after death has very big influence, can that matter that is when?
Huang Nian Lao Li, already what no one thought gets up.
Zhao Qun Yu but have no the sort that he thinks immature, the facial expression is certainly not just too good, at really hardly meet this kind of person mostly!Few someones can not pass with him.Is a gold Hui they, also how much give him three cents face.This male is suddenly and violently also personal thing, he is in river's lake so several years, certainly can't not know, own at the thought of identity, thought of oneself after death of young man, handsome pottery Tang, he forgot everything.
"Old guy's being seen is to disappear coffin not to drop tear, I know that you are very fantastic, the persons of river lake all know you male is suddenly and violently severe, but that also wants to see what person."
"This is certainly!Big"male suddenly and violently and incredibly still has a mood to gossip irresponsibly with him, " river's lake, what matter all probably, the old man also never thinks without equal in strength, but to your Zhao Qun Yu, have no this necessity!"
"You ……" Zhao Qun Yu almost think that the fighting skill that you goes up, can thought of this male suddenly and violently really isn't what oneself can resist, hate of saw his two eyes, backed down.
Handsome pottery Tang knows to is the time that he or she should go out.
All people all feel his/her own at present in a flash, just in a flash, Zhao Qun Yu's figure's appearing in male suddenly and violently the Zhang before the body is far ground of.
Male suddenly and violently seems is also a little bit surprised, is a lookinging at of alert very much is this young man, the fighting skill a little bit outran his/her own idea to anticipate.
"Are you the host of that dog?"Male suddenly and violently has no much good openings.
Handsome pottery Tang Zhou eyebrows, can his belly the inside really want to smile and say that Zhao Qun Yu is a dog of, probably also only this male suddenly and violently, other persons, not is see at Zhao Qun Yu of mostly the city guard of identity up, otherwise be know his background, all polite to him three cent, see to this male suddenly and violently still really have two cents the independence character!
He didn't answer this question, but don't the language smile first of looking at male suddenly and violently.
Male suddenly and violently and suddenly feels rising of Teng of his/her own spine a cold current of air, this cold current of air really has a little puzzling.However, he isn't a hair head boy, the nature still doesn't put to this affair in mind.
The return of handsome pottery Tang's step oddity continuously twinkles in the place of a half Chinese foot square circle.
Male suddenly and violently a pair of eyes Shan of green ashes appears continuously cold light, once the hands loosen a tightly, once 1 match, and the vision visits to move not certain.
On smiling, handsome pottery's Tang Wei Wei's way:"Male suddenly and violently, you strain?"
Is male suddenly and violently ordered to nod, orotund surprising equanimity, way:"Yes, the old man feared, whether boy is very satisfied?"
Handsome pottery Tang is greatly to surprisedly looking at this old guy, really and a little bit come from own idea to anticipate, should not be this kind of reaction of, he knows his own fighting skill or hasn't attained real of have no for of state, can he is public medium top, particularly is at have no for teach in, a few of his younger brother Shi's seniors all have no his fighting skill deep, can hardly see at ordinary times he use, but see now, deal with old river's lake, still have a little margin.
Deeply absorbed tone, that also had no what, now that knew the inside situation of the other party, so start a hand, have no what well afraid of.
Once in a very long while eye bottom, male suddenly and violently knows if this continues, only have bad place to oneself, can't have what advantage, hence, he decides to make moves, oneself is to have many under charges, can, that would not° until can resist of live the aggression of this young man also, are oneselfs all not necessarily an opponent!
Handsome pottery Tang Shuang Mu cold light Shan now, concentrate on male suddenly and violently of body up.
The murderous look immediately fills the air on all sides.
Male is suddenly and violently shocked that the heart would never be what he can imagine, the fighting skill of this young man has already outrun the level that he should have, was oneselfs don't attain this level and haven't begun, he has already known that none of 1:00s that he loses, and loses wrongs, the margin of oneself and somebody else is too obvious.This isn't the horary problem, but the good and bad of the fighting skill, the problem of innate intelligence.But as the lake middleman of a river, an earthquake rings Related articles:

