
beats by dre studio gh the fairy Feng is

The officialdom will bring oneself how of trouble.Certainly even if that answered emperor's life at the moment and soup 2 people didn't foresee future ability, heart also pretty much clear oneself this time is connect next how a hot to the touch potato.Although the impress his majesty declares the matter this time she will a dint undertake a responsibility.But make reference to bottom, if the judgment result of this legal case really made many Nus, finally unlucky of still their 2 people.Because the emperor that has been doing not make mistake only does the big minister of not good work.Embrace the common people of this kind of viewpoint usually pike head the direction judge of big minister, but can't blame and scold the emperor of making the rule.
Aught emperor's life is emperor's life, as soon as descend hair have to without any reservation, have no complaint of carry through a performance.Thus, and soup 2 people's an emperor's city then and tirelessly rush through to return to judicial hospital and is handsome a talented individual of inside in the hospital ability the Li entirely called.Analyze the analytical details of case of details of case and search the search Lyu of Lyu Li Li, browse a browsing of judicial precedent judicial precedent.In fine spare no effort the whole ability ground want to let this legal case of end result since canning match impress to settle is next of principle, again give common people an explaination.Affair but say although is really simple, can need to do but again is another one thing.
However don't know that councilman in surname week as well actually get where the tall person points out, the whole legal case unexpectedly does slipperily not to stay a hand, the Zong is that the loophole is layer after layer but also hard on these grounds sentence.Harm and soup 2 people's keeping tossing about together with numerous adults of judicial Ya door in the hospital till day to park west mountain don't also search out what threads.The eye sees the day that the legal case don't getting along, hold court of the utmost urgency again, still Long Yi's bottom sit at too teacher chair up keep the way of Rang Rang:"Just, just.Matter since is such, the old man at last made an effort.The soup adult how should judge you to play by ear.Greatly not crest Be careless to resist the hat making to would be."
See the dragon still had no patience, the soup came to He to immediately also feel that oneself has no dint very much.But see the inferiority that he hold to back a house inside, also followed to sit down to sigh a way:"Let it be, adult inspector department with deceive, gather many fight with weapons two criminal chargeses to indict that week the Ren is expensive and Qian Er Niu.It is another to blaspheme the job offense indictment Qi county Ya door.The offense that aught must settle this a few Diao Tus first, as for quantity old man of Xing standard from have confidence."
Make reference to 2 people to involuntarily and then and in every aspect and mutually peep wry smile to get up here.Wish oneself how at last once saw the person of big condition as well.From absolute being plan incident in the door in those early years to later G Yin incident, the sky is big of the legal case be not just handled by oneself perfect work.Can who once thought unexpectedly to will turn over a ship in the such a small sewerage.When 2 people think to be depressed more more, son in the door in the Ya door suddenly runs two invitation cards of passing.The very suspicious pair person tears open a to see, is the invitation card that the strong bearer of council chairperson, Chen Zi,beats by dre studio, of the congress delivers, say is ask them to go to his your home and drink wine to appreciate a month tonight.
Can worry the layer after layer soup be come to He at the moment where come of such elegant taste, at that moment and then invitation card to once the files throw and give a deep sigh a way:"Cough, this time the son whole capital citieses probably also only Chen Lao is the leisurely and carefree.Appreciate wine a month, make people don't envy very much."
"Chen Lao didn't hide to only enjoy again, this didn't send a person to ask us to come." Still dragon have fun to begin two medium invitation cards to say with smile.
"How?Adult this is the top still have carefree feeling Ya Zhi appreciate a month.Hasn't the thing of this table finished seeing."The soup comes to He wrinkly the eyebrows say.
"The thing of table can also see tomorrow, again not hasty this momentary.Besides soup adult to this legal case have already had bottom, why the need for again from beg for annoyed.Say that Chen Lao's paying this face always must give again."Still the dragon makes reference to here, day head can not help a title hoping to watch from a distance a window to outside and gradually sink in the west, soliloquize a way:"See to tonight's settling is a month Lang breeze pure good seasonal changes."
At night divide, the wagon in a black once wears prosperous jollification of man son temple, at its west noodles of a slightly now quiet and out-of-the-way garden ex- stopped down.This is is plain for a thou but again cultured building.Inset at"look forward a park" on green sum in the brick door two words to shine in glory in four lanterns that print a large word of"Chen" under not only the Cang strength is emollient, more be suffused with a kind of another person respectfully rise respect of boldness of vision.Being quite good is here a those early years the council chairperson of the congress, too Fu Chen Zi strengthens of official residence.But from the wagon slowly what to stand down is exactly dragon and soup to still come to He a pair person.
Although still hang around an one case of Liu Fu Chun in the heart,give in the Ya door still the dragon explained and convinced some kind of after, the soup comes to He to also feel that declining the good intentions that Chen Zi strengthens is indeed not satisfactory.Hence after handling the official business of finishing the Ya door he then with still the dragon made change casual wear, go to Be located at to father and son temple side of look forward a park to gladly attend meeting.
The head that in fact speaks of to at present this garden can compare Chen Zi strong I want to be loud and clear many.Her starting is set up to clear beginning, is front the king of mountain in dynasty slowly reach the western Pu of official residence, empress by Xu Shi Qi's a life timeses, eight a life times, nine a life time three people repair and extend, hence becoming is perfect.Area in the whole park vegetable was said with rockery Zhao, although only 8 acres, can only the rockery had 3.7 acres.Combining with the perfect state of his/her"a spool of generation mountain, a Shao takes water" is sent a Chang park, Zhuo government park in Suzhou by people of this world and Wuxi and stays a park and be called "Chiang-Nan four name parks".Peeped out a Long in those early years force prime minister of, then had a few lings south financial magnate in order to try to please his/her own landlord, the property bought out this park was sent to Sun Shi's husband and wife are newly married wedding presents.Sun Lou certainly is a not red face heart not to jump ground to connect next this wedding present.However she didn't is the marriage building of she and Yang Shao Qing this garden.But is turn to offer Buddha borrowed flowers ground to send to own teacher Chen Zi is strong.In this way is proceed from her with Yang Shao Qing strong to Chen Zi of esteem highly;Second, is in Sun Lou's eyes live garden like this by own art accomplishment really is the Pu Zhen thing in the sky, the host who also don't seek to know to appreciate for it are more fitting.Chen Zi is strong at accepted his/her own satisfied pupil of this is precious gift after, right away and then take of the east ascent of Su the sentence"look forward to hope a jade hall, such as in the heaven" is literary reference, be named "look forward a park" for garden.
Though at night pretty much, but probably is for give the appreciating of tonight the monthly meeting with add a few atmosphere, the garden inside piecemeal hanged a few unique palace lanterns.Illuminated several tourist spots inside the park, and have no consequently presumptive guest usurps the role host to influence to publically appreciate a month, make people can not help exclamation setting out of delicate idea.But and soup 2 people when the person's guide line bottom once wore to wind around turns and twists and have the curving corridor of special feature rather under Chen Fu as well have to in mind exclamation here not the Kui is the title of "gold Ling first park".
"Is really too beautiful, the nighttime enjoyed a trip to look forward park compare of the daytime is really a hidden but beautiful spot."First visit Chen Fu in the nighttime the exclamation way is knowingly.The decadent feeling in daytime immediately immediately vanish.
"Yes, your lo that fairy Feng shines in glory in the palace lantern magnificent under the more strange show."Still the dragon points at to leak a window behind ambiguously it is thus clear that of the stone Feng praise highly a way.
"That is certainly this fairy Feng but look forward the treasure of park in the town in the park, a legend still Sung badge believes in'the flower stone key link'of keepsake."The soup comes to He to fondle beard to nod a way.
"Ai, although the fairy Feng is strange, if have no this reflecting of light Chen also hard attain the effect in nowadays.Speak of to is this waiting to return really the pen of a point Jing."Still the dragon put to put a hand way.Treat when he is just wanting to come to He with soup to order to review further, after death and suddenly spread the quiet orotund way of a burst of Wen Wan:"Adult really overpraised, the Nu house was just confused to hang a few lights."
Still dragon and soup come to He not from turn head a to see, but see the beautiful women that shape picks Gao just and slowly walk to himself or herself under one escorting of stem maid.2 people need not see its facial appearance, it is exactly a Ling to also know this women south one female song person, Zhang Yu Qiao, .That has already been familiar with it to know still the dragon right away and natural and unrestrainedly does a Yi way:", This is a madam's hero to do, no wonder that is the garden thus set out elegance."
"The Nu house gives two adult ways blessing."The soft track of Zhang Yu Qiao a ten thousand blessings, follow a tiny blush with shame way again:"The adult cries up thus and really disgraced very a Nu house."
Calculating Zhang Yu Qiao already year about 40, but she the looks at the moment the slightest don't seem to be pout.Mutually and on the contrary give a person with the felling of a kind of exceedingly fascinating and charming.This probably also together the temper personality of Zhang Yu Qiao is relevant.Is public to all know that the early years is in Guangdong of she was already the beauty bosom friend that Chen Zi strengthens.Pass Chen Zi to strengthen to introduce her and became friends with Sun Lou afterwards.Now Sun Lou has Related articles:

